
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria through the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Georgia announces a procedure for the acceptance and selection of proposals for projects to be implemented with a grant through the Official Development Assistance of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Objectives and Scope of the Projects:

  • Support for Georgia’s EU integration and development of the bilateral relations. In this regard:
  • Support for capacity building and development in the area of democratization, good governance and human rights, with special focus on children, women, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups;
  • Assistance for quality and accessible education;
  • Gender equality.

Priority Areas for Project Implementation on the territory of GEORGIA:

  • Ensuring inclusive and quality education, incl. improving of school infrastructure;
  • Support for disadvantaged people and empowerment of women
  • Promotion of regional development with an emphasis on underdeveloped mountain regions.

Eligible Activities:

  • Development of new/updating existing training modules
  • Capacity building activities /organizing and conducting trainings in areas of interest of the administration/institutions of the partner country
  • Conducting trainings on specific topics in Bulgarian institutions to exchange good practices and increase the qualification of employees from the administration of the partner country
  • Organization and holding of seminars, forums, conferences
  • Research and strategy development
  • Activities to raise awareness of citizens' rights
  • Activities to promote multicultural dialogue and to limit racism, xenophobia, hate speech, discrimination and intolerance in society
  • Activities to improve dialogue between non-governmental organizations and local, regional and national authorities
  • Activities related to improving the quality of social infrastructure (educational/health),

Project Budget: Depending on project’s main purpose varies between 20,000-80,000 BGN (equals 10,210 – 40,845 EUR).

Project proposals envisaging joint activities with Bulgarian institutions /ministries, schools,

higher education institutions, institutes, research centers, etc./ will be considered with priority.

Project proposals with accompanying documentation should be sent no later than 31 July 2024:

  • via email to the following electronic address: with a copy to: or
  • via post (papers accompanied by an electronic carrier on which they are also uploaded) to: Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Georgia; 15, Vakhtang Gorgasali Lane, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia.



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