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Pembagian administratif Turki

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Pembagian administratif di Turki

Sebanyak 81 Distrik di Turki dibagi kedalam 957 daerah (ilçeler; menyanyi. Ilçe). Di Republik Turki awal dan di Kesultanan Utsmaniyyah, unit yang ada kala itu.

Distrik İzmir
Districts of Manisa
Districts of Aydın
Districts of Denizli
Districts of Muğla
Districts of Afyonkarahisar
Districts of Kütahya
Districts of Uşak
Districts of Samsun
Districts of Trabzon
Districts of Ordu
Districts of Zonguldak
Districts of Tokat
Districts of Çorum
Districts of Giresun
Districts of Kastamonu
Districts of Düzce
Districts of Amasya
Districts of Rize
Districts of Bolu
Districts of Karabük
Districts of Sinop
Districts of Bartın
Districts of Artvin
Districts of Gümüşhane
Districts of Bayburt

Population: 11.459.292

Districts of Ankara
Districts of Konya
Districts of Kayseri
Districts of Eskişehir
Districts of Sivas
Districts of Yozgat
Districts of Aksaray
Districts of Niğde
Districts of Nevşehir
Districts of Kırıkkale
Districts of Karaman
Districts of Kırşehir
Districts of Çankırı

Population: 5.744.243

Districts of Van
Districts of Erzurum
Districts of Malatya
Districts of Elazığ
Districts of Ağrı
Districts of Muş
Districts of Bitlis
Districts of Kars
Districts of Hakkâri
Districts of Bingöl
Districts of Erzincan
Districts of Iğdır
Districts of Ardahan
Districts of Tunceli

Population: 21.044.783

Districts of İstanbul
Districts of Bursa
Districts of Kocaeli
  • Total: 1.470.358 (all of the districts are "central district")
Districts of Balıkesir
Districts of Sakarya
Districts of Tekirdağ
Districts of Çanakkale
Districts of Edirne
Districts of Kırklareli
Districts of Yalova
Districts of Bilecik

Population: 9.050.691

Districts of Adana
Districts of Antalya
Districts of Mersin
Districts of Hatay
Districts of Kahramanmaraş
Districts of Osmaniye
Districts of Isparta
Districts of Burdur

Population: 7.350.752

Districts of Gaziantep
Districts of Şanlıurfa
Districts of Diyarbakır
Districts of Mardin
Distrik Adıyaman
Distrik Batman
Distrik Şırnak
Districts of Siirt

Templat:Kilis, Turkey Labelled Map