Learning & Development

UT Learning & Development

picture of people standing around table networking


UT L&D provides unique and engaging programs for the entire UT community. Explore a variety of courses and events on timely and critical topics. Our live classes encourage active learning and recorded videos are great for anytime learning.

picture of person sitting on a bed surrounded by books and resource materials


Whether you know what you’re looking for or you just want to explore learning options, UT L&D provides resources in ways that will suit you. Dive into discovery.

picture of a facilitator and group that is social distanced and wearing masks

Community Learning Team

UT Learning & Development’s Community Learning Team provide full-service learning and group facilitation tailored to your needs. As group learning specialists who serve as your partner and guide, they can integrate their content with your desired outcomes or help build something new, just for you.

picture of a group of people sitting in a conference together

Learning & Development Assessment Dashboard

Dive into the results of our university-wide assessment on learning and development. Learning and development plays a critical role in attracting, recruiting, and retaining top talent. It also fosters a workplace that promotes wellness while maintaining high performance. All managers and leaders will find the data in this dashboard useful. We have also created an infographic (PDF) with some of the highlights that we encourage you to share with your teams and colleagues.

For questions about or requests for services, contact L&D through our brief intake form.

Intake Form

Learning Platforms

Social Media