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Matthew Moisen's user avatar
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
Matthew Moisen
  • Member for 11 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
4 votes

What happens if I ferment a lager at room temperature?

3 votes

How long must water be boiled to remove temporary hardness (bicarbonates)

2 votes

Too much sweetness and banana like aroma/taste

2 votes

Do Reverse Osmosis water filtration systems produce water with negligible amounts of minerals, or is an additional deionization component required?

1 vote

How Should I Place a Digital Thermometer into My Fermentation Chamber and Keep it Airtight?

1 vote

How long must water be boiled to remove temporary hardness (bicarbonates)

1 vote

Do Some Carbon Filters Remove Chloramines, While Others Don't?

0 votes

Electric brewing inside

0 votes

Warming up a demijohn / carboy

0 votes

Networked/Connected Thermometer for Measuring Water in Swamp Cooler

0 votes

Problems with Wyeast London Ale 1028?