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Spencer's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
36 votes

What did Canadians use to pay for goods or services between 1871 and 1935?

34 votes

What is the earliest known historical reference to Tutankhamun?

27 votes

What exactly was East Prussia between 1933 and 1945? Was it part of a larger government, and which one?

20 votes

Does anyone recognize the identity and location of this octagonal structure?

19 votes

Why did the Chicago Sanitary and Shipping Canal take a much longer route to the Des Plaines River?

18 votes

Were there any well-established land trade routes in the US colonies around 1700? What did they look like?

16 votes

When was the last time the US had the highest GDP per capita?

16 votes

When was the last time when there was no electrical lighting switched on on the earth?

16 votes

Are there any examples of overpopulation?

15 votes

Why is Killiniq island divided between Nunavut and Labrador?

15 votes

When was the last time that a personal union of thrones led to an effective integration of the nations?

13 votes

How did the United Kingdom government come to be responsible for defence of the Channel Islands?

12 votes

When did streets get names?

11 votes

What is the corruption that John Winthrop mentions in "Reasons for the Plantation in New England" (1628)

11 votes

In the election of 1800, why did Burr end up with as many electoral votes as Jefferson, rather than one fewer?

11 votes

When was the first confirmed circumnavigation of Africa?

10 votes

When were marching bands last used in warfare?

10 votes

When did inadequate or inaccurate maps produce important historical consequences?

9 votes

Was the title "Democratic-Republican" really used?

8 votes

Did the Babylonian priesthood flee to Pergamum?

8 votes

Was Ford the only person who became a US president without winning an election?

7 votes

How did people in Athens 500 BCE refer to Homer's era?

7 votes

How was George III able to appoint William Pitt as his Prime Minister?

6 votes

Is Attila The Hun's Throne actually located in The Veneto?

6 votes

Has any national leader ever climbed as far as fast as Ulysses S Grant?

6 votes

Why was George Washington called Chief Magistrate?

6 votes

Is Dual alliance, Entente Cordiale in this context?

5 votes

When did the United Kingdom become "United" rather than merely united? (I.e., that word became part of its name.)

5 votes

Which lover of a Russian Empress obtained the highest rank?

4 votes

Who is the most recent (non Bush) father son pair who have invaded the Middle East?