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Questions tagged [george-washington]

For questions about the 1st President of the United States of America and general during the American Revolutionary War.

5 votes
1 answer

What happened to the four remaining men arrested as part of the plot against George Washington?

Brad Meltzer's book The First Conspiracy on the plot to kill George Washington by members of his personal guard during the first year of the revolution states that 5 men were arrested for the plot. It ...
Ravenlock621's user avatar
3 votes
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Why was George Washington called Chief Magistrate?

In a letter to George Washington in 1790 from Moses Seixas, George Washington was referred to as "Chief Magistrate." I don't see any explanation for saying this is his title. Is there a ...
buckaroo1177125's user avatar
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Did George Washington‘s investment in the Ohio Company eventually turn a profit?

The intent of some English and Virginia speculators (including two brothers of George Washington and Virginia Royal Governor Robert Dinwiddie) to open the Ohio Valley (then a French possession) to ...
Marcos Gonzalez's user avatar
9 votes
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What is the source for John Adams Sr. writing about Hamilton taking blame for Washington?

I know I read a while ago one of John Adams' writings about how people were generally discontented with Washington during the latter years of his administration, but expressed anger towards Hamilton ...
米凯乐's user avatar
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Why did a young George Washington sign a document admitting to assassinating a French military officer?

On May 28, 1754, a young Lt. Colonel named George Washington ambushed a French force at Jumonville Glen with assistance from a Iroquois leader named Tanacharison. One of the casualties was the French ...
RichS's user avatar
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13 votes
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Did Washington like or dislike the monarchical styles of address proposed by John Adams?

In high school history class a teacher taught us that George Washington desired and sought nobility/monarchy-like titles for his office of President, such as ones involving "Highness", "Majesty", and "...
Hack-R's user avatar
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What was George Washington's opinion on having a city named after him?

Washington D.C. was chosen as the capital and named while the first president was still alive. According to Wikipedia, A new federal city was then constructed on the north bank of the Potomac, ...
RichS's user avatar
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Did Christopher Columbus stay at a Lodge in Cordoba?

In the United States, we have many Inns where it is said that "George Washington slept here". Washington's stays at various Inns across the Northeastern United States are likely to be historically ...
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-4 votes
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What were George Washington's beliefs behind the Church of England and Catholic practice? [closed]

After the Puritans and Pilgrims fled from England to America, Britain would begin to become divided in its ways of political and religious tradition being opposed. But the Puritans, as well as the ...
Mark Slaney's user avatar
2 votes
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Was there a time when George Washington discovered some of his soldiers absolutely refused to swear loyalty and obedience to the Continental Congress?

I'm trying to pin down the details of something which I believe once happened to George Washington, before the end of the American War of Independence. Back around the late 1980s, I was reading a book ...
Lorendiac's user avatar
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6 answers

Was any city/town/place named "Washington" prior to 1790?

It is pretty common knowledge that Washington, DC was named after the United States' first President, George Washington, and founded in 1791. However, is there any other place, in the United States, ...
Skooba's user avatar
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Did George Washington ride sidesaddle?

A friend of a friend has just written that Washington, Lafayette and Jefferson all rode side saddle to ease the pain of their war injuries. Before I proceed to dismantle this person with extreme ...
MCW's user avatar
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What can be said about conditions of slaves owned by George Washington?

I remember hearing a PBS documentary make a claim that the babies of slaves on George Washington's Mount Vernon went naked in winter. I have been trying to verify, or even get a good citation, for ...
pterandon's user avatar
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How tall was George Washington?

I am currently reading George Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow, which says George Washington was an even 6 feet (183cm) tall: It is commonly said that Washington stood six foot two or three, an ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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After America achieved independence, did George Washington continue to wear a military uniform?

After the American Revolution, the founding fathers seem to have adapted their 'costumes' from similar European ones. Like the Europeans, their uniforms often had orders, medallions and 'golden-like'-...
ToksozC's user avatar
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