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Questions tagged [medieval-russia]

For questions pertaining to Russian municipalities from the establishment of the Mongol Yoke in 1240 to the formation of the Tsardom of Russia in 1547. For questions about Ukraine and Belarus during that period, use [ruthenia]. For questions about the Tsardom of Russia and Russian Empire, use [russia].

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1 answer

Were the Novgorodians aware of Romanesque architecture in the 11th century?

The Cathedral of St Sophia in Novgorod was completed in 1050. Many online sources note that the style bears resemblance to the Western European Romanesque style. Is it possible that knowledge of this ...
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What effect did the duration of Mongol presence in Galicia-Volhynia versus Vladimir-Suzdal have on the development of modern day Ukraine and Russia?

In Serhii Plokhy's book "The Gates of Europe - a History of Ukraine" the author states that the arrival of the Mongols ended the rule of Kyivan-Rus and effectively split the Kyivan realm ...
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What specific Medieval Rus waterway engineering examples are there?

I've been investigating a statement (cited below) made in Nicolle's 'Lake Peipus 1242' which describes waterway engineering by Medieval Russian princes but doesn't bring any specific examples. Which ...
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Were Christians prohibited to pass Golden Horde - Rus border immediately before Black Death?

Note: this question is similar to earlier Were there any travel restrictions during the Black Death pandemic?, but asks about travel restrictions existing before the epidemic. Wikipedia article on ...
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2 answers

Why and how were the Mongols able to invade Russia successfully?

From Wikipedia: The campaign was heralded by the Battle of the Kalka River in 1223, which resulted in a Mongol victory over the forces of several Rus' principalities. The Mongols nevertheless ...
curious's user avatar
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What was the fighting style and equipment of 13th century Eastern European Baltic and Slavic cavalry?

I want to know about fighting styles and equipment of fighting men roughly around 13th century in the Baltic/Slavic area of Europe. I'd particularly like to find out about cultures that were prominent ...
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Isn't there any positive legacy of the Mongolian occupation in Russia? [closed]

In the BBC radio 4 series The Wild East, the history of Russia after the Mongolian occupation is described as if all the bad things happened subsequently had been caused by the legacy of that era. Isn'...
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