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Questions tagged [diplomacy]

The process of developing relationships between two or more parties. In relation to nation states, this typically involves the development of networks of embassies established between states to facilitate trade, resolve conflicts, and collect information on foreign actors.

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3 answers

When did the Allied war aims change?

At which point exactly did the aims of the allied powers in the Second World War change from what they were initially to the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany and the other members of the Axis? ...
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Was Emperor Norton I recognised by Kamehameha V?

Emperor Norton I "reigned" as Emperor of the United States from 1859 to his death in 1880 – though he was mostly ignored by the de facto government of the time. Wikipedia makes the claim ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
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Are there some concrete examples of the pre-1962 Soviet complaints in re CORONA spy satellites?

According to Pat Norris' book Spies in the Sky (p. 111) until the first successful Zenit flight in summer 1962 the Soviets complained bitterly to America about the CORONA flights. However he does ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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What were the goals of the lesser powers in the Congress of Vienna 1814-1815?

Going into the Congress of Vienna, the Great Powers (usually defined as Great Britain, France, Russia, Austria, and Prussia) had many goals in mind of what they wanted out of the negotiations. In fact,...
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Were there written (draft) Soviet proposals that would have effectively restricted the US navy from (parts of) Europe?

I'm pretty sure that if one trawls the Soviet propaganda, one can find something asking Americans to bugger off from Europe altogether (ok, on a more serious note--Gorbatchev did propose the ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
18 votes
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Did the Soviet Union protest against Italy building or acquiring submarines after WW2?

Article 59 of the 1947 Paris peace treaty prohibited Italy from having submarines or aircraft carriers. As far as I can tell, Italy acquired some US-made WW2-era submarines (Gato, Balao, and Tench ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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Where and when did the legend that the Auld Alliance dates back to 809 AD begin?

The Auld Alliance Apparently there is a legend that the treaty of 1295 named the Auld Alliance actually dates back to an agreement made between Achaius, a legendary king of Scots, and Charlemagne, ...
John Strachan's user avatar
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When did the last (formal) declaration of war occur?

Background I have watched an interview where one participant argued that the world is experiencing less and less war compared to what it used to. To emphasize this idea, he said that declaring war is ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Are there examples of encrypted messages with deadlines?

I'm looking for historical records showing that parties using coded messages (from the Egyptians to the Romans to actors in the American Civil War, etc) would sometimes stipulate deadlines by which a ...
Fixee's user avatar
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Who was this US civil rights leader?

Back in my high school days (I'm 23 now) we learned about a lot of topics but the one that stood out to me was the period of heavy segregation, racism and important historical figures from that time ...
Danny's user avatar
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Can anyone point me to an online version of the 1900 amendment to the Franco-Russian Military Convention 1892?

Incitement The Wikipedia article, France-Russia relations, linked in an answer to this question, has After France was humiliated by Britain in the Fashoda Incident of 1898, the French wanted the ...
mjc's user avatar
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Was Wilhelm II aware of the Franco-Russian Military Convention 1892?

The second sentence of Article 1 of the Convention reads, If Russia is attacked by Germany, or by Austria supported by Germany, France shall employ all her available forces to attack Germany. ...
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Has diplomatic immunity ever been ignored in modern times?

I know that after Pearl Harbor the Japanese diplomat Kurusu was interned until an exchange of diplomats could be arranged and then was able to return to Japan. I also recall that in the more distant ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Which country has been credited with the most regime changes, by historians, since 1900? [closed]

I recently discussed with an acquaintance of mine about the Russian interference in the USA presidential elections of 2016. Our discussion was more focus on the IT aspects of the saga but at one point ...
Genorme's user avatar
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Has the Federal Republic of Germany ever refused diplomatic credentials for foreign ambassadors?

The proposal of Douglas Macgregor as US ambassador for Germany has been criticized in Germany and it has been suggested that the Germany government should simply refuse his diplomatic credentials. ...
Martin Schröder's user avatar

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