From Marshall, Sinai Victory:

enter image description here

What is called "Parker's Memorial" in this book, and is herein pictured, is described in a reliable source as a monument to the memory of Col. A. C. Palmer, DSO, a valiant British officer who was twice governor of Sinai. But the troops who went there insisted on calling it "Parker's Memorial" however it was dedicated, and they certainly knew where they were going. The late Colonel Palmer should not mind that, in rehallowing the spot, they were a mite careless about its name.

So, who was Colonel Palmer and what is the memorial about?

(And is the monument still there or what happened to it?)

Edit: Hebrew wikipedia has some answers (spelling regularised):

The Parker Monument [was] a monument to the memory of Colonel Alfred Chevalier Parker, which was built in the 1920s at the eastern entrance of the Mitla Pass in Sinai, Egypt and was destroyed by Egypt after Israel's withdrawal from Sinai in 1957. [...] Colonel Parker was the British governor of Sinai in the years [1907-1912], and 1918-1923[.] The [monument] was erected at the eastern entrance of the [Mitla] pass by Parker's successor as governor of Sinai, Claude Jarvis, since Parker was the one who initiated the construction of the stone road in the sands from [El Shatt] to the western entrance of the [Mitla pass.]

And: the name Palmer may be a confusion with Edward Henry Palmer, who was murdered in the area, as noted in comments.


1 Answer 1


All the available evidence suggests that the quote from Marshall, which cites some unspecified "reliable source", is simply wrong.

Except for the last name, Alfred Chavelier Parker perfectly fits Marshall's description of who "A. C. Palmer" allegedly was: colonel and two-term governor of Sinai until 1923 per his obituary, and also DSO per an article he wrote about Sinai. The quote added to the question from Hebrew Wikipedia correctly states that the Parker monument in Sinai was dedicated to A. C. Parker in the 1920s and destroyed in the 1950s. One of the photos of the monument on Wikimedia Commons, while difficult to read, shows the dates of two terms of governorship which roughly align with those given in Parker's obituary.

To speculate a bit about where Marshall's confusion may have come from, an E. H. Palmer was ambushed and killed in Sinai in August 1882. According to an article on place names in Sinai, a cairn was built at the site of the ambush. The article also discusses the Parker monument and it is clearly not the same location. I have not seen any images of this cairn if they exist, but the Parker monument is at least vaguely cairn-like. However I would not assert with any confidence that Marshall's unnamed source was somehow mixing up A. C. Parker and E. H. Palmer.


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