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Questions tagged [close-reasons]

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3 votes
1 answer

Why was the question about Nikolai Gogol's family name closed?

I've noticed that per-site metas are often littered with complaints/questions about question closure- so here's my own contribution to that genre. I'd like to seek clarification on the closure of this ...
CDR's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is this proposed 'duplicate' question marked both wrongly and in a worse direction?

On Where can I find all Hitler speeches in original German? it was proposed that this would be a duplicate of Where can I find a reliable archive of Hitler's speeches? To this duplicate proposal ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

I added explanation of this question People think I want to "blame" Carthagian by asking those questions. The issue ...
obfuscated's user avatar
1 vote
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How could I improve this closed/deleted question about colonization?

The automatically/by-roomba deleted question is: How/Why do mainland people end up in an empire's colony? Eg Spaniards in the Philippines? I thought it was pretty good. But moderator MCW♦ said in a ...
BCLC's user avatar
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6 votes
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Does a question about "where a people may come from originally" fit to History Stack Exchange?

I have a question about my History Stack Exchange post: Where were the ancient Israelites before they came to Israel (if they were new inhabitants at all)? I am confused what is happening here. I ...
ETathome's user avatar
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1 answer

How is my question about slave clothing opinion-based?

My question was closed because it was seen as opinion-based. I am struggling to see how my question as it currently stands is opinion-based. There are many questions about slavery on this website and ...
a_sid's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

When do we consider a question to be easily answered by "a simple search"?

Our help-center lists explicitly one symptom that makes a question "off-topic": It is not about: Questions answered by a simple Google search or to be found in a Wikipedia page I see 'a ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is there a notability criterion or not?

Did Lisa Chester miss her father's funeral? I hate to have to ask, as the question is not worth much to me, but it's so unpleasant to see a question closed for an ambiguous reason. Commenters ...
user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Shouldn't we actually give the 'single link' that answers an off-topic "too basic" question?

While reading the question What were the main causal forces leading to rise of fascist movement and fascist government in Germany? I see this now closed - after almost 4 years in "open" ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

"Why Japan cannot 'apologize' enough for World War 2?" being put on hold for "off-topic" (too basic) and swiftly deleted?

Edit: Now the question is deleted! From what I can tell it now has a +7/-6 vote. I believe that those who vote to delete the question owe us an explanation. Here's my question, "Why Japan cannot “...
Graviton's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Why was my question closed even though it perfectly lies within the boundaries of history?

I asked this question some time back- Why is the Easter Island such a frequent participant in Japanese Comics? The question was closed and my comments weren't answered. I clearly stated that I am ...
user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

Is recent history on topic?

Everybody has read the What topics can I ask about here? page as we all need clarity on whether a question will be welcome before developing it. The rules forbid questions about "the future", they ...
user avatar
11 votes
7 answers

Is it time to update our custom close reasons?

There are three slots of custom close reasons. Currently, we only use two: Questions on social sciences other than History are off-topic here, unless they also involve history in some fashion. While ...
Semaphore's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

Site policy for very heavily-trolled topics

What is the site policy for dealing with questions on very heavily-trolled topics, like Hitler and The Holocaust? We've long had problems with these particular topics, as they seem to be magnets for ...
T.E.D.'s user avatar
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0 votes
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Making this post more clear?

How accurate is the portrayal of Leonardo Da Vinci in Voyager How do I make this more "clear", I engaged with the question asked in the comments but it the got closed with no information.
alan2here's user avatar
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