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Questions tagged [purushartha]

In Hinduism four proper goals or aims of a human life.i.e. Dharma ,Artha, Kāma,Mokṣha.

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Are all purusarths equally important?

There are four purusarths of life - Dharma, Artha , Kaam and Moksha. Are all of them equally important ? Dharma is the path. Moksha is the end goal. Artha and Kaam are also goals. Is there any such ...
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What is the period between brahmachari ashram and grihasti ashram called?

What would you call a pass out in which ashram he is ?
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How is kama one of the four aims of life (purusharth) and also one of the known vices (shadaripu)?

Kāma is one of the vices(Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya) and also one of the four aims of life (Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha). Can someone explain why and how it is so and also is there a ...
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What is correct - Sat-chit-ananda or Sat-chit-anantha?

We have always been given to believe that the state that you achieve when you realize Moksha and the experience of the highest truth is best described as Sat-chit-ananda. And this is often described ...
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How to eliminate Kaama?

Kaama is very problematic . It makes us do adharma. How to eliminate it ? What are the ways through which we can overcome Kaama.
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Kaam is one of Prusarth but In Gita Krishna consider it as gateway to hell . How?

Kaam is of 4 Purusarth namely Dharma ,Artha , Kaam and Moksha. Gita 16:21 There are three gateways to the hell of self-destruction for the soul. These are Kaam, anger, and greed. Therefore one should ...
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Is Kama and Arth equally important as Dharma?

Dharma is one of four Purusarth namely Dharma , Arth , Kama and Moksha . If we remove Moksha as it is not for everyone. Dharma is relegated to being equivalent to - Kama and Arth. So, Is Dharma ...
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Is masturbation adharma? Doesnt it form a part of purushartha (kama)? [duplicate]

It is against principles of Brahmacharya. But is it against dharma?
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Was Moksha (liberation) not considered as one of the Purusharthas in Ramayana period?

In 5th Sarga of Bala Kanda of Ramayana, I have stumbled upon the following sloka (4th). तदिदं वर्तयिष्यावः सर्वं निखिलमादितः | धर्मकामार्थसहितं श्रोतव्यमनसूयया || १-५-४ Being such a legend, ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
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What does dharma as a goal mean in purusartha?

The four goals of human existence are called purushartha and consist of dharma, artha, kama, and moksha. Here what does it mean to attain dharma as a goal? Why is dharma considered to be a goal?
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How can everybody attain Moksha if the new descendents are always born & certain Karma-s are always lingering?

Moksha implies freedom from the cycle of rebirth. In theory thus anybody can attain it, including lower species who may ascend to higher consciousness. What about the latest descendents, who will ...
Debtanu Chakraborty's user avatar
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Which scriptures are available for Artha and Kama?

In one of his speech, Pandit VijayShankar Mehta says: Ramayana teaches us जीने की कला (art of living) Bhagavad Gita teaches us कर्म करने की कला (art of doing) Bhagavatam teaches us मरने की कला (art ...
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Which Purusartha should be achieved in which Ashrama?

There are 4 Purusarthas ('object of human pursuit' or 'purpose of human being'): Dharma Artha Kama Moksha And 4 Ashramas (avastha or stages of life): Brahmacharya Grihastha Vanaprastha Sannyasa ...
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How can one know their dharma?

Living one's dharma seems to be paramount, but first I must discover what my dharma is. I was born and reared in the West, so how can I discover my dharma? I have read the Gita and it helped me ...
Rubellite Yakṣiṇī's user avatar
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Is Kama good or bad for life [duplicate]

According to wikipedia article of Arishadvargas it states According to the Hindu scriptures, Kama and krodha or lust and anger are responsible for all kinds of difficult experiences which we have ...
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