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Questions tagged [spirit]

For questions on the Bible's references to the spirit of God.

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Words of "spirit and life" & The Flesh is of No Help? - Understanding Jesus' Message (John 6:61-65)

I hope this question is acceptable on here. (I've had an awful experience with StackExchange in the past -- specifically on MathSE -- so I'm a little anxious typing all of this. Please just comment if ...
JAG131's user avatar
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What rises to the level of being a "a different spirit," per 2 Corinthians 11:4?

In 2 Corinthians 11, Paul speaks of his jealousy for the Corinthians church, given his early work to bring them to Christ, that they might subsequently be presented as "a pure virgin to Christ&...
Dan Moore's user avatar
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Is there a place in the Bible that teaches that the anointing oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit? [closed]

I read a couple of articles about this subject. Apparently, there is a general agreement that, in some cases in the Bible, oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit. They say it's a metaphor. I couldn't find an ...
Carlos Vázquez's user avatar
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Does Ecclesiastes 11:5 indicate that personhood (ensoulment) follows only after the initial physical development of the unborn?

Ecclesiastes 11:5 in the ESV, NAB, and NRSV indicate that the unborn in the womb become a living soul only after significant biological development has occurred: ESV the spirit comes to the bones in ...
Robert S. Morley's user avatar
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Trophimus left sick

Could it be possible that Paul's inability to heal Trophimus was because he was now unable to be used as a 'conduit' for God's Holy Spirit Power ? Does his request for his 'cloak' to be brought to him ...
Michael Oak's user avatar
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In Romans 8 how do we understand the use of the definite article with "flesh", from grammar not received theology?

From the grammar how should we understand the use of the definite article in Romans 8 for "the flesh"? I've read that definite article before spirit is usually understood as God's Spirit, ...
BruceW's user avatar
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Words of YHWH attributed to the Holy Spirit in the OT

I'm studying the NT mainly right now, so my OT knowledge is not that good. Just like some quotes in the Old Testament spoken by Yahweh are said (in the NT) to have been spoken by the Holy Spirit (Acts ...
user64677's user avatar
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How are we to hermeneutically interpret the "seeing of thrones" when we are told that God is a Spirit?

Throughout the Bible we are presented with Prophets seeing God in heaven siting on His Throne: Again he (Micaiah) said: "I saw the LORD sitting upon His throne, and all the hosts of heaven ...
ray grant's user avatar
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Why does God the Father need to anoint Jesus with His Spirit if Jesus is fully God?

Isaiah 42:1-4 referenced again in Matthew 12:18. Similar to the descending of God’s Spirit on Jesus at his baptism (Matthew 3). I don’t understand how to explain this in alignment with the Trinity ...
user63311's user avatar
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If soul and spirit are reversed in Lk.1:46&47, would it change the meaning?

Luke 1:46, 47 46 And Mary said,My soul doth magnify the LORD, 47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. Are the words soul and spirit interchangeable in these verses, and if not: WHY?
RHPclass79's user avatar
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( Ephesians 5:26-27 ) Christian husbands take initiative to "cleansing" wives via "washing of water with the word" Epheser 5:25-28 25Οἱ ἄνδρες, ἀγαπᾶτε τὰς γυναῖκας, καθὼς καὶ ὁ Χριστὸς ἠγάπησεν τὴν > ἐκκλησίαν καὶ ἑαυτὸν παρέδωκεν ὑπὲρ αὐτῆς, 26ἵνα αὐτὴν ...
user1338998's user avatar
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Deut, 12:23,NASB - "Only be sure not to eat the blood, for the blood is the life (soul/spirit)". Are "blood transfusions" a form of eating? [closed]

We know that in the time of Moses, abstaining from "eating" the blood of animal sacrifices was required by the Israelites - in order that it may go well with them and their sons after them - ...
Olde English's user avatar
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Does neshamah apply to more than humans?

Psalm 150:6 NASB20 Everything that has breath shall praise the LORD. Praise the LORD! In this Psalm, the word “breath” is translated from “neshamah” meaning the breath, life, or spirit, first seen ...
Mel Mills's user avatar
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when in reference to spirits what is the meaning? as said in the book of Enoch 39?

with the book of Enoch he referrers to calling spirit back like the western people of turtle island when his where abouts was unknown. like Muhammand looking for the goats the book of Enoch 39
Jod.e's user avatar
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(John 15:26) Is the term for proceeding (ἐκπορεύομαι) and sending (πέμπω) similar? specifically in reference to sending the Son and Holy Spirit?

I am inquiring because I wanted to learn about the discourse of the filioque. When I looked at the Greek for John 15:26, I noticed a difference in terms between the production of the Holy Spirit and ...
Balien Alexandros Maximus's user avatar

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