
Need help getting started with dashboards? Playbooks are pre-built dashboard templates, customized by industry, that let you generate charts and see relevant insights faster than ever.

With Playbooks, you can start tracking key behaviors immediately. What events and metrics matter the most to your business? With Playbooks, you’ll already have an answer.

Heap Playbooks

Access insight-driven dashboards

Heap's tailored dashboards give you instant access to essential metrics across various areas, from user demographics to product engagement. Whether you're in e-commerce or tech, our curated playbooks automatically pull up the metrics that are most important for your industry, whether that's conversion, retention, activation, or any number of others.

See Our Full Collection

Playbooks in action

Complete product visibility

Heap offers tailor-made dashboards for key verticals, providing crystal-clear insights into your acquisition funnels, feature adoption, and more. These Playbooks deliver the precise charts and data you need to track the performance of your digital experience and measure the impact of your initiatives.


Conversations are more constructive with Heap. When senior leadership says, ‘show me what you’ve done,’ I can pull up a dashboard and show them metrics we’ve moved the needle on instead of a laundry list of features.

Joe Pfeiffer

— Joe Pfeiffer

VP of Product

Getting Started is Easy

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