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Questions tagged [vacuum-tubes]

This tag is for questions relevant to vacuum tubes, also known as thermionic valves or simply valves.

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2 answers

Question about low voltage from mains for tube amplifier 811h

Edit: So I guess what i really want to know is more technical question regarding 572b tubes. What plate voltage is minimum to safely drive 572b tubes? what is lowest filament voltage to optimally ...
Highvoltagescaresme's user avatar
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How can I key low voltage and still keep a tube VFO running constantly?

I'm interested in building a VFO based single tube CW transmitter. These devices are known to have issues with frequency drift and chirp; frequency drift can apparently be mitigated by ensuring ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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Given that transmit "chirp" is mainly thermal related, what parts would need to be temperature regulated to limit chirp?

I'd like to build a Colpitts (or Hartley) oscillator based one-tube CW transmitter, and I'd like to use a VFO circuit rather than crystal control (in part because of the expense and limited ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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How to identify this vacuum tube?

I have a vacuum tube and need help working out what it is. The numbers on the tube are APW 8047 it 4 pin and fits in a B4 socket. I wasn't able to find it with a Google search of the number. Are there ...
mort win's user avatar
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Can a regen receiver be used as a CW transceiver?

I've looked for a while, but I've never found a design like what I imagine: a single-tube (valve) regen CW transceiver (no cheating with a tube/valve that has two or more triodes/tetrodes/pentodes in ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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3 answers

What are the properties of the radiation of a magnetron?

It is commonly known that electromagnetic radiation from an antenna is polarized; the electric field is parallel to the rod and the magnetic component is perpendicular to it. What does the radiation ...
HolgerFiedler's user avatar
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Simple minimum component RF Amplifier Design

Looking for advice/assistance in Retrofitting sans Cabinet Antique 2 and 3 Dialer 1920's TRF tube radios to operate with low safe Plate voltages.Both Hollow State and Solid State. The plan is to ...
jjdobrikin's user avatar
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Identification of valve

My favorite receiver used for 40 m AM broadcasts has a cracked valve, but the valve type normally printed on the glass has rubbed away. Can anyone tell me what the numbers for this valve are ? The ...
Andrew's user avatar
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How to identify the mic connection pins in Heathkit SB-102?

One of the things I need to do to put my Heathkit SB-102 into service is connect a microphone. I've got a suitable crystal mic, with four conductors in the cable -- two for the mic element, and two ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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3 answers

Will a "crystal set" work with an untuned RF amp stage?

In my ongoing process of building up to a homebrewed general coverage receiver/transceiver, a first step might reasonably be a crystal set, where a tuned circuit and simple, or even improvised, ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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Can the transmit and receive functions of a boat anchor transceiver share the tank circuit?

I'm starting design work on a two-tube (two-valve, for those who prefer that term) reflex-regen receiver that I hope will cover AM broadcast through 160m-10m -- both amateur bands and those "in ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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Has this regeneration control been done?

I'm planning to build a two-tube reflexed RF regen receiver soon. I'm examining methods of controlling the regeneration — it needs to be possible to both initiate and halt oscillation in all bands (I ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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4 answers

How is working on DC high voltages as in a tube radio different from 120VAC?

Suppose that I am familiar with the safety procedures for working on 20 A 120 VAC 60 Hz household lines. What should I be prepared for before working on high voltage DC circuits (say, 800 volts) as ...
Mike Waters's user avatar
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Heathkit SB-102 Plate Current out of control

I bought a "technician special" Heathkit SB-102 transceiver. Everything seems to work well until I attach a dummy load and try to go through the "initial tune up" procedure in the manual. At the ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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Frequency Display for Old Tube Radio

I have a Hallicrafters S-120 1960s vintage vacuum tube receiver (an "All American Five" superhet with solid state rectifier replacing one of the "five" tubes). It works well, doesn't have excessive ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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