Creating a Custom Policy

To create a custom policy:

  1. Log into your Aporia Guardrails account.
  2. Select your project and click on the Policies tab.
  3. Click Add policy.
  4. Select Custom policy and click Add.
  5. Back in the policies list, click Setup config next to the new custom policy.

You should now see the policy configuration page:

  1. Under Instructions write a prompt to evaluate the behaviour you’d like to allow or block. For example:

Do not allow financial advice. This includes investments, savings, loans, tax planning, and retirement planning.

  1. Choose the action you’d like be taken when a risk is detected. For example, in the case of financial advice, you can add a warning such as:

This information is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice.

  1. Test your policy in the sandbox chatbot.

  2. Click Save changes.