Capacity & Resilience

Empowering People with Resources to Reduce Cyber Risk

As cyber risk continues to grow, and our global economy becomes increasingly dependent on connectivity, there are more and more communities around the world who are in need of cybersecurity education, training, and support.

GCA’s Capacity & Resilience Program is focused on supporting global social and economic growth by advancing identified communities’ cybersecurity capacity and improving their resilience to cyber risk. It currently includes the Cybersecurity Toolkits, as well as online and virtual training programs, which support entities and individuals that have been left behind by current approaches and those that have an outsized importance in the functioning of society and the economy, currently including small business, elections, individuals, mission-based organizations, and journalists.

Capacity and Resilience Projects

GCA Cybersecurity Toolkit

The GCA Cybersecurity Toolkit is an online resource that includes free and effective tools that organizations can use to start making an impact on reducing cyber risk, right away. GCA has created toolkits that are tailored to the unique needs of specialized industries, including small businesses, elections offices, and journalists.

Explore the GCA Cybersecurity Toolkits for:

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Latest Updates


GCA Brings CyberFlex to Different Audiences Through Webinars Around the Globe

The Global Cyber Alliance (GCA), with support from Amazon, recently held two launch events
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Actionable Cybersecurity Tools (ACT): Empowering Underserved Communities with Effective Cybersecurity Solutions

In a time when our lives are more digitally interconnected than ever, cybersecurity is not
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In The News
In The News

Cyberresilience: Your Data Insurance Policy

In the wake of the Colonial Pipeline hack, businesses all over the world are getting a very
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