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TPAC 2018 Agenda

Matt Giuca edited this page Jul 18, 2019 · 11 revisions

For presentation at WebPlat on 2018-10-26.

  • Implementation update
    • Chrome on Android, Chrome OS, Windows, Linux (Mac to follow)
    • Firefox on Android
    • Safari on iOS
    • We don't consider Edge as a user agent (since you cannot install from Edge). However, Microsoft's PWABuilder and BingBot translate Web App Manifests to the Windows Store.
    • Samsung Internet (uses Chromium, but separate manifest implementation)
    • Opera (uses Chromium, but separate manifest implementation)
  • Major implementing sites
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
    • Google Maps
    • Telegram
    • Android Messages
    • Starbucks
  • Status update (changes in past 12 months)
    • Breaking change: Scope change (default scope) #647
    • Optional new feature: Maskable icons #657
    • Breaking change: Opening out-of-scope links #701
  • What's preventing us from going to CR
    • Testing
    • At-risk features
      • beforeinstallprompt
      • serviceworker
      • Store metadata (categories, iarc_rating_id, screenshots)
      • purpose: maskable
      • Propose to leave these in for one year, and ask browser vendors to implement or reject them
    • Defining the JSON format with WebIDL (issue with error handling)
    • Action items
      • Create the test suite
  • Outstanding feature requests
    • Minimum size #436
    • Tabbed application mode #737
    • Back button #693
  • Outstanding issues
    • Multiple scopes (shared issue with Service Worker) #449
    • start_url default is not deterministic (based on the document URL) #669


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