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Releases: sphinx-contrib/confluencebuilder


14 Jul 21:11
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  • (note) confluence_disable_notifications is now enabled by default
  • (note) confluence_file_transform support is deprecated
  • (note) confluence_link_transform support is deprecated
  • Fixed inconsistencies with page-meta editor/full-width with singleconfluence
  • Fixed issue in Confluence REST v2 API usage (Cloud) where page updates may fail when a page has no metadata
  • Fixed issue using cleanup modes with Confluence Cloud with large attachment/page sets (250+) could block publishing
  • Fixed issues where various links were broken with singleconfluence
  • Fixed support when using the sphinxcontrib-video extension (v0.2.1+)
  • Improve support when using the sphinx-designs extension
  • Improve user feedback when operating with a cleaning option enabled
  • Introduce the confluence-publish-point event
  • Introduce the confluence_api_token option
  • Introduce the confluence_page_search_mode option
  • REST API calls will retry on select error events (e.g. 5xx errors)
  • Replacing confluence_lang_transform with a new option confluence_lang_overrides
  • Translator helpers are now public for advanced configurations/extensions


12 May 20:09
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  • Fixed issue in Confluence REST v2 API usage (Cloud) where page updates may fail when a page has no metadata


06 Apr 20:52
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  • Fixed issue in Confluence REST v2 API usage (Cloud) where edited pages on Confluence prevented this extension from publishing updates


01 Apr 02:54
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  • Confluence card directives/roles can be processed with linkcheck
  • Fixed issue where an exception could throw without cleanup options set
  • Fixed issue where anchor links may fail to work for v2 editor pages
  • Fixed issue where generated pages would use incorrect template with an explicit v1 editor
  • Fixed issue where index/search pages on v1 do not respect width configuration
  • Fixed regression where math label anchors would not be created in v1 editor
  • Fixed regression where search pages would not be set with a proper space key
  • Improve search box alignment on generated search pages
  • Initial support for using Confluence REST v2 API (Cloud)
  • Provide extended debugging options for publish events
  • Replacing confluence_publish_disable_api_prefix with a new option confluence_publish_override_api_prefix
  • Simplify autodocs rendering in v2 to make it somewhat usable
  • Support custom page notice via confluence_page_generation_notice


15 Dec 05:10
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  • Fixed anchor links between various editor versions and when using MyST
  • Fixed issue when using markup in captions when using the v2 editor
  • Fixed issue with an editor metadata override may led to unexpected page styles
  • Fixed issue with dry-run reporting pages when configure root does not exist
  • Fixed regression in processing metadata directives on a page
  • Prevent undesired spacing when adding targets in paragraphs with v2 editor
  • Support width hints in v2 editor for CSV tables


09 Sep 18:27
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  • (note) Final release supporting Python 3.7 (EOL)
  • Fixed issue when a project defines a relative CA certificate path
  • Fixed issue when a project defines relative publish list files
  • Fixed issue where cleanup would remove up-to-date pages on rebuilds
  • Fixed triggering rebuilds when select configuration options change
  • Fixed select directive/role issues with Sphinx 7.2.x


22 Jul 22:19
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  • Fixed confluence_full_width issues on Confluence server/DC
  • Fixed issue where using confluence_full_width breaks an editor selection
  • Fixed re-publishing issues when certain options change (e.g. parent page)
  • Improve support when using the sphinxcontrib-video extension
  • Introduce the confluence_permit_raw_html option
  • Provide quirk for CDATA issues on Confluence 8.0.x to 8.2.x
  • Support configuring the theme on generated code block macros
  • Support page-specific editor and full-width overrides
  • Support page-specific parent identifier overrides when publishing

As of v2.2 and newer, releases will be made on GitHub. This is primarily due to PGP support being dropped from PyPI and maintainers want to provide users signatures for release artifacts. Signatures will now be attached to these releases; hashes will also be provided.