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A PowerShell Module for SQLLocalDB binary.

This module is a wrapper around the SQLLocalDB.exe binary.


Create Instance

PowerShell Module Command
PS> New-SQLLocalDBInstance -InstanceName 'test'
LocalDB instance "test" created with version 13.0.2151.0.
SQLLocalDB Equivalent
CMD> SQLLocalDB.exe create "test"

Remove Instance


PowerShell Module Command
PS> Remove-SQLLocalDBInstance -InstanceName 'test'
LocalDB instance "test" deleted.
SQLLocalDB Equivalent
CMD> SQLLocalDB.exe delete "test"


PowerShell Module Command
PS> Remove-SQLLocalDBInstance -InstanceName 'test'-Force
LocalDB instance "test" deleted.
SQLLocalDB Equivalent
  • There is no matching command. The Force flag simply shuts the instance down for you before removing it.

Start Instance

PowerShell Module Command
PS> Start-SQLLocalDBInstance -InstanceName 'test'
LocalDB instance "test" started.
SQLLocalDB Equivalent
CMD> SQLLocalDB.exe start "test"

Stop Instance


PowerShell Module Command
PS> Stop-SQLLocalDBInstance -InstanceName 'test'
LocalDB instance "test" stopped.
SQLLocalDB Equivalent
CMD> SQLLocalDB.exe stop "test"

Shutdown with NoWait

PowerShell Module Command
PS> Stop-SQLLocalDBInstance -InstanceName 'test' -ShutdownNOWAIT
LocalDB instance "test" stopped.
SQLLocalDB Equivalent
CMD> SQLLocalDB.exe stop "test" -i

Shutdown with Kill External

PowerShell Module Command
PS> Stop-SQLLocalDBInstance -InstanceName 'test' -ExternalKill
LocalDB instance "test" stopped.
SQLLocalDB Equivalent
CMD> SQLLocalDB.exe stop "test" -k

Start Trace

PowerShell Module Command
PS> Start-SQLLocalDBTraceAPI
SQLLocalDB Equivalent
CMD> SQLLocalDB.exe trace on

Stop Trace

PowerShell Module Command
PS> Stop-SQLLocalDBTraceAPI
SQLLocalDB Equivalent
CMD> SQLLocalDB.exe trace off

Get Instance

Get All Instances

PowerShell Module Command
PS> Get-SQLLocalDBInstance
Name         State   Owner        SharedName LastStartTime       InstancePipeName Version     AutoCreate
----         -----   -----        ---------- -------------       ---------------- -------     ----------
test         Stopped UserAccount  ...        3/9/2017 4:14:10 PM ...              13.0.2151.0 No
ProjectsV13  Stopped UserAccount  ...        3/6/2017 8:48:40 AM ...              13.0.2151.0 No
SQLLocalDB Equivalent
CMD> SQLLocalDB.exe info

Get Specifc Instance

PowerShell Module Command
PS> Get-SQLLocalDBInstance -InstanceName 'test'
Name         State   Owner        SharedName LastStartTime       InstancePipeName Version     AutoCreate
----         -----   -----        ---------- -------------       ---------------- -------     ----------
test         Stopped UserAccount  ...        3/9/2017 4:14:10 PM ...              13.0.2151.0 No
SQLLocalDB Equivalent
CMD> SQLLocalDB.exe info "test"

Get SQLLocalDB Versions

PowerShell Module Command
PS> Get-SQLLocalDBVersions
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (12.0.2000.8)
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (13.0.2151.0)
SQLLocalDB Equivalent
CMD> SQLLocalDB.exe versions

Share Instance

PowerShell Module Command
PS> Add-SQLLocalDBSharedInstance -InstanceName 'test' -SharedInstanceName 'sharetest'
Private LocalDB instance "test" shared with the shared name: "sharetest".
WARNING: You must restart the instance: "test" before sharing will take effect.
  • -UserAccount and -UserSID are optional parameters that are the same as passing this info directly to the SQLLocalDB share command.
SQLLocalDB Equivalent
CMD> SQLLocalDB.exe share "" "test" "sharetest"

Unshare Instance

PowerShell Module Command
PS> Remove-SQLLocalDBSharedInstance -SharedInstanceName '.\sharetest'
Shared LocalDB instance ".\sharetest" unshared.
SQLLocalDB Equivalent
CMD> SQLLocalDB.exe unshare ".\sharetest"


PowerShell Module for SQLLocalDB







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