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Manage your images with Cloudinary in Gridsome apps

Cloudinary integration for Gridsome

Demo site

Optimize and manage your images and videos in your Gridsome application with the available Cloudinary plugins.

Available plugins

Image transformer plugin · Source plugin · General plugin

What is Cloudinary?

Cloudinary is a cloud-based SaaS that provides an end-to-end image and video management solution including uploads, storage, manipulations, optimizations and delivery. All your media resources are optimized and delivered through a fast CDN using industry best practices.

Some of the features the plugins offer are listed below:

  • On-the-fly url generation for images and videos with optimization
  • Built-in optimization per browser and device
  • Built-in auto-detect optimized format per browser for images and videos
  • Responsive and reactive transformations on images and videos
  • Minimum configuration required to set up Cloudinary and running
  • Upload and manage images and videos through Cloudinary API.

Development & Contribution

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Make the changes in the related package project, and run any of the following commands to debug/check your status.
  • yarn build:demo - build the demo site
  • yarn dev:demo - start the local dev environment for the demo site
  • yarn build:api - compile @mayas/cld-api project from TypeScript.
  • yarn build:plugin - compile the general plugin project mayas/gridsome-plugin-cloudinary from TypeScript.
  • yarn plugin - run local dev environment for demo project for the general plugin.
  • yarn source - run local dev environment for demo project to debug source plugin.
  1. Run yarn test:api to test the api.


MIT License


Created and maintained by Maya Shavin