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Erinium Adventure's mods

Erinium Jobs

This mod is enterly configurable ! You can add block and item to earn XP and set a level requirement between 0 and 100 for blocks and item !

Custom Jobs

By default, you have 4 jobs, miner, farmer, hunter and alchimist. You can add custom jobs by adding json file at location : GAMEFOLDER/config/EriniumJobs/jobs/job_id.json

⚠️ You cant delete the fourth default jobs ! How the file is constructed :

	"displayname": "DISPLAYNAME"

Earn XP

To add a block or item to earn money go to these location : GAMEFOLDER/config/EriniumJobs/EarnXp/MODID/ID.json

The file must be a json file like iron_ingot.json Here the json parameter :

	"job_id": "JOB_ID",
	"min-level": LEVEL,
	"max-level": LEVEL,
	"type": "TYPE",
	"xp": XP
  • job_id is the job you earn (one job only !)

  • min level is the minium level to start to earn xp

  • max level is the max level to earn xp (after you dont earn)

  • type is the type here an example :

      - BREAK (When you break block)
      - EAT (When you eat / drink)
      - SMELTED (An item smelted ⚠️RESULT ITEM*)
      - CRAFTED (An item crafted ⚠️RESULT ITEM*)
      - KILL (Kill an entities)

* For example, for diamond, on BREAK you set diamond_ore and on SMELTED you set diamond

  • xp is the amount of XP is given (more you will levelup, you will earn less xp) see my excel to understand

💡XP multiplier and Won XP Multiplier are fully customisable here : GAMEFOLDER/config/erinium-ranking.toml

💡You can set multiple type like that : "BREAK, EAT, CRAFTED" but generaly you don't need to set multiple type but why not

Here an example for diamond_ore and diamond location : GAMEFOLDER/config/EriniumJobs/EarnXp/minecraft/diamond_ore.json

	"job_id": "miner",
	"min-level": 0,
	"max-level": 45,
	"type": "BREAK",
	"xp": 125

location : GAMEFOLDER/config/EriniumJobs/EarnXp/minecraft/diamond.json

	"job_id": "miner",
	"min-level": 0,
	"max-level": 65,
	"type": "SMELTED",
	"xp": 160

Require Level

To add a requirement to an item or block go to these location : GAMEFOLDER/config/EriniumJobs/Required/MODID/ID

Here the json parameter :

	"job_id": "JOB_ID",
	"level": LEVEL

JOB_ID is the job id (only one !) LEVEL is the required level between 0 and 100 (set 101 to completly disable an item or block !)