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2 votes

How to hide or remove the subgroup labels on a QgsLayoutItemLegend with PyQGIS?

The method you are looking for is QgsLegendRenderer.setNodeLegendStyle(). The first argument is a QgsLayerTreeNode object and the second is a QgsLegendStyle.Style Enum object, e.g. QgsLegendStyle....
Ben W's user avatar
  • 21.9k
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Make position of layout items adaptive in QGIS Layout to avoid empty spaces due to dynamic layout items

Setting the Legend item "Position and size" with a reference point at the bottom left will fix this point when the legend resize...
J.R's user avatar
  • 16.6k
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Changing legend font in QGIS composition using PyQGIS

You can use the setStyleFont() method of the QgsLayoutItemLegend class. The first argument is a component, so you need to pass a QgsLegendStyle::Style enumerator item, e.g. QgsLegendStyle.Title, ...
Ben W's user avatar
  • 21.9k

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