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Shortcut to activate and deactivate a layer filter

You can use this plugin "Filter by Selection" Plugin, it enables you to filter a layer by a selection of its own features or from another layer, it tool is dockable so you can quickly filter ...
Shai Sussman's user avatar
2 votes

QGIS 3.xx Mac Version installation clarification - What gets installed from single dmg file?

I just mounted the QGS 3.34 LTR DMG and poked around in it using a file explorer (not using a Mac) and found it includes GDAL 3.3.2, Python 3.9 and GRASS 7.8 So should have everything you need for a ...
user2856's user avatar
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QGIS Color Ramp is not being displayed properly

See Following @nicogodet's suggestion, I solved this bug just by creating a new profile. QGIS version 3.22.9 OS version Windows 10
Wander A. Martins's user avatar
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Showing bin upper/lower bound for discrete legend for raster in QGIS

Change your interpolation to "Discrete". E.g:
user2856's user avatar
  • 67.2k
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How to add a OpenTopoMap legend

Make your own legend image using symbols from here or here using an image editor like Photoshop, GIMP, Inkscape or Paint. Or take a screenshot of an existing OpenTopoMap legend. Then when in Map view,...
user2856's user avatar
  • 67.2k
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How to add a OpenTopoMap legend

In your Print Layout, the adding a Legend tool is located on the toolbar along the left side. That is the basic way to add a legend to any map you would be working with in QGIS. However, your legend ...
Lucas Snyder's user avatar
1 vote

Spatial selection of intersected entities within a shape does not take the new entity

Try also selecting by touches and crosses. Inside means is fully inside. For more details check the documentation page:
Erik's user avatar
  • 16.5k
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Open GeoPackage in spreadsheet with drag-n-drop

It seems like "Export as spreadsheet" with the geopackage is the simpliest way. Creating a .bat with the formula proposed above can work too.
MesanGeo's user avatar
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All 0s result from raster calculator in python

Issue is related to expression in following statement: calc = QgsRasterCalculator('"lyr1@1"+1', 'output.tif', 'GTiff', \ Layer1.extent(), Layer1.width(), Layer1.height(), entries) I fixed ...
xunilk's user avatar
  • 30k
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Batch PyQGIS3 NDVI calculation yielding skewed outputs

The issue probably is related with the way that your layers are available by using the map layers registry. For avoiding that, I created the layers list by using the 'mapLayersByName' method for an ...
xunilk's user avatar
  • 30k
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Cannot select or delete annotations in QGIS

I ended up editing the .qgs file in a text editor and deleting the annotations statements.
Steve Wernke's user avatar
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Location from which QGIS reads datum transforms

"QGIS is checking the areas of validity when it shows items in the UI." The transformation ( is valid in Senegal but the Adindan ...
Luigi's user avatar
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