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An object-oriented programming language from Microsoft. It is the .NET version of the Visual Basic (VB) programming language.

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How to Draw a circle of 3 km radius in ASPMAP lib for [closed]

Using below code to trying ring/circle on map Using ASPMAP lib in VB.Net Dim aTmp(), cName As String Dim oAspMapLayer As Layer Dim oDynLayer As DynamicLayer Dim i, iLayerIndex, iNewLayerIndex, ...
Anant khandelwal's user avatar
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MapSelectionChangedEvent.Subscribe in VB

I have seen multiple examples in C# like this: ... MapSelectionChangedEvent.Subscribe(OnSelectionChanged); private void OnSelectionChanged(MapSelectionChangedEventArgs args) ... When I try to ...
epfirman's user avatar
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Running Geoprocessing tools via ArcGIS Pro SDK

I'm new to the ArcGIS Pro SDK and I find it very difficult to migrate my ArcGIS Add-In to ArcGIS Pro. I simply want to take the union of two shapefiles. When I run the code, nothing happens. I'm not ...
Nilu Silva's user avatar
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VB.NET - Point in Polygon From KML file

I have a big number of Polygons extracted from a KML file. The polygons represents "blocks" on the Earth surface. I can read the coordinates of the polygons and store their values, as well ...
Carlo Prato's user avatar
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VB.NET Executing Raster Calculator

I'm trying to execute the raster calculator function in VB.NET but I'm having trouble with the gp.execute line. Sorry if the code is confusing, I'm fairly new to I keep getting this error: An ...
Lauren840's user avatar
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Creating a selection set from selected features using select by location

I am trying to convert my VBA code to I use “Select by location” to select all the points that intersect lines. Then I want to click a button to put the points into a selection set. Then I can ...
BCConnor's user avatar
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ArcMap 10.1 Slow Performance with VB.NET Code (Spatial Query) [closed]

We have just installed ArcGIS 10.1 and MS Visual Studio 10 (Dot Net Framework 3.5) to develop automation tools for Select by Attribute and Select by Location using VB.Net. We developed a new add-in ...
Davideg's user avatar
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Identify feature on feature layer (shapefile) automatically without mouse click event on ArcMap 10.2

With a longitude and latitude value, I am trying to identify feature (shapefile) on feature layer with no mouse click or user interaction. On debugging mode with an attach process on ArcMap.exe, the ...
coder2020's user avatar
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ArcObjects looping through domains of a subtype

I'm working on an ESRI-Addin written in I have a FeatureClass with subtypes (POI with categories). Each subtype (category) has a coded value domain defining the subcategories. I managed to ...
maaattes's user avatar
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ArcMap: How to change mouse pointer to an arrow in Mapview - VB.NET

I'm writing a add-in for ArcMap 10.5 in VB.NET. I've chosen the item "Button". So when I click on the button I need the mouse pointer, when in MapView, to turn into an arrow (like the Select Feature ...
Anna3anana's user avatar
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Re-projection issues with Azimuthal Equidistant

When reprojecting country-border polygons from longlat: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs to Azimuthal Equidistant: +proj=aeqd +lat_0=26 +lon_0=126 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371000 +b=6371000 +units=m +...
Tim Makins's user avatar
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ArcMap - ArcObjects IGeoFeatureLayer Renderer is giving a NullReferenceException

Refactoring a VBA add-in into VB.NET add-in. I'm getting: An unhandled exception of type ' System.NullReferenceException' occured in MyAddin.dll Additional information: Object reference not ...
Anna3anana's user avatar
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ArcMap - ArcObjects Text in Layout mode not showing

Refactoring VBA to VB.NET and most parts of the code is working expect for the part where I want to show the layername with today's date in the layout mode (pTextElement.Text) Any ideas why the text ...
Anna3anana's user avatar
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Using Open GIS’s KML Schema Definition (ogckml22.xsd), Microsoft.Net XML Schema Definition Tool Fails

In brief, on one hand, I expect Open GIS’s KML Schema Definition, i.e. ogckml22.xsd, to be rock solid; fully debugged. Likewise, Microsoft.Net’s XSD XML Schema Definition tool (https://docs....
Dave Owens's user avatar
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BC30456 'ITableSelection_SelectionChanged' is not a member of 'StandaloneTableClass'

I am seeing this error BC30456 when building this DLL for VB.Net ArcMap extension. I see the following in the ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.xml which confuses me with the error. <member name="M:ESRI.ArcGIS....
TDurden's user avatar
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