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Deleting GeoPackage vector layers and releasing open file handles with PyQGIS

On Windows 11 I have a PyQGIS script that creates layers from gpkg files. This all works perfectly fine. I want to delete these layers, recreate the gpkg files and reload them as layers again and this ...
John_nz's user avatar
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Removing 'bad bands' from hyperspectral data in GDAL

I'm new to using GDAL and need to process hyperspectral data. I'm trying to get rid of bands within atmospheric absorption windows, but I'm note sure how to do that in GDAL or other python tools. My ...
monicaJ's user avatar
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Python IDLE crashes while trying to remove a Layer from an mxd containing a lot of layers using ListDataFrames

Problem My ArcGIS 10.8.1 crashes whenever I try to open an MXD project that contain Basemap layers. I need a script to remove Basemap layers without opening these MXDs but Python IDLE also crashes ...
Dan G. Ochoa's user avatar
3 votes
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Removing overlapping features in one layer in QGIS

I have a dataset in QGIS with polygon features that partially overlap completely. I would like to delete the overlapping polygon features so that each area is only covered by one feature. The decision ...
Fabi's user avatar
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How to remove values from raster band QGIS

I recently did a land use land cover analysis using the semi automatic classification plugin in QGIS. While I am satisfied with the produced raster there are a bunch of classes that are not relevant ...
Hartje's user avatar
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How to delete multiple features from multiple layers in QGIS at once?

I want to delete multiple layers containing points, lines, polygons together. According to my research, the tools in qgis can only delete features of the active layer together, is there a method or ...
hamid barati's user avatar
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Filtered features in attribute table

Attribute table header of point layer says: "Features total 1200, Filtered: 1197, Selected: 0" There is no layer filter active and also no filter is set in the layer properties under tab &...
Hannes's user avatar
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Removing added layers using Leaflet

I add polygon data on the Leaflet map by selecting parameters: travel_mode and travel_time from the form control and clicking a button "btnGenerate". This button click function is working as ...
user3072602's user avatar
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Delete multiple layer at once in geopackage QGIS

Is there a way to delete more than one layer at the same time in a geopackage file once I have opened the connection in QGIS? I am only able to delete them one by one...very time consuming.
AUS85's user avatar
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Select all layers in QGIS

In the previous versions of QGIS, to select all layers in the 'layer panel' and then remove them, I used 'CTRL + A'. In QGIS 3.22 this is not possible and to delete multiple layers I have to select ...
AUS85's user avatar
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To show a popup when clicking the map, I entered: const popup = function(e){new maplibregl.Popup().setLngLat(e.lngLat).setHTML('MODIFICATIONS').addTo(map)}; map.on('click', popup); map.on('...
Angile's user avatar
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ArcPy command to remove empty layers that are grouped

I have a script that works for MXD with ungrouped layers. How can I change this so it works if there are groups of layers? I have an MXD template with many layers & groups. The underlaying file ...
Eifa's user avatar
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Remove the longest segments of a polygon using QGIS

Is there an expression or tool that allows the user to remove the longest segments of a polygon? The end result would be two end segments (lines)
Anthony's user avatar
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QGIS crash when programatically removing layer

I have to remove a layer named "Punti_da_csv_utente" and I use the following code: def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback): #(other code) for lyr in QgsProject....
Fabio Zimbo's user avatar
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Issue with saved scratch layers in QGIS, index higher than new scratch layer with the same name?

I'm using a plugin that creates scratch layers with the same name each time I start it. It's not an issue on a session basis, proj.mapLayersByName('scratch_layer_name')[-1] works fine to get the ...
S.E.'s user avatar
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