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Questions tagged [layer-control]

use this tag when asking questions pertaining to the control that allows your users to control which layers they see on your map when using leaflet

4 votes
1 answer

Use grouped layer control plugin with empty "dummy" layer groups that are only used to enable or disable filters for the GeoJSON layer

I want to use leaflet-groupedlayercontrol plugin with empty "dummy" layer groups that are only used to enable or disable filters for the GeoJSON layer when selected/unselected in the layers ...
Cesar Fonseca's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Bootstrap control modals plugin changing icons in Leaflet? [closed]

I'm using Leaflet plugin L.Control.BootstrapModal (see to add a few layer controls on my map which toggle a modal displaying some country ...
Simone Ghilotti's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Layers categories in Folium and Google Earth Engine Python API

I am using Python, Google Earth Engine and Folium. Is there a way to stack layers by categories in Folium & Google Earth Engine (Python not JS editor)? I want to achieve something like leaflet.js &...
Indigo Wizard's user avatar
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0 answers

Leaflet leaflet.groupedlayercontrol plugin does not show layers

I´m using [leaflet-groupedlayercontrol][1] plugin but failing to see layers in map. I manage to add layers to map with normal var lc = L.control.layers(baseLayers).addTo(map); lc.addTo(map); lc....
Bruno's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Adding GeoJSON layer to a Layergroup so that it shows as radio button in layer control?

I want to display both the basemaps and the overlaymaps with radio buttons in my LayerControl. I tried this via Layergroups and ran into some difficulties there. I have two GeoJSON layers that get ...
Valentin Gärtner's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How to save L.Control.layer states for authorized users [duplicate]

I have a working map leaflet controlling your layers with L.Control.layer. My problem is that it is necessary to make "Profiles" for users, that is, each user authorized on the site can ...
user199671's user avatar
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0 answers

Implementing Leaflet plugin "Leaflet.Control.Layers.Tree" in R leaflet

I want to use "Leaflet.Control.Layers.Tree" in my R script. I am using the leaflet R-package to draw my map. I found this great leaflet plugin: "Leaflet.Control.Layers.Tree". How ...
Lennart Jongen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Using L.Control.Opacity plugin with GeoJSON layer in Leaflet

I have a fully working map with a few base layers and some buttons, each of which loads and displays different resources. One loads some historical map overlays and uses the L.Control.Opacity plugin ...
perplexed's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Control order of GeoJSON layers

I'm trying to fix the order of appereance of my GeoJSON layers. Precisely, I have a layer of circle markers that I want always to be over polygon layers. At the moment, when a polygon layer is checked ...
PierreC's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Why does Leaflet overlay display depend on baselayer selection? [duplicate]

I have a Leaflet map with a button that turns overlays, and overlay opacity control, on and off. Overlays are loaded transparently, can have their opacity adjusted and then can be collectively be ...
perplexed's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Selecting all objects with specific value from GeoJSON in new variable

So I have a GeoJSON that I want to pull/filer/select all kitespots with a wind direction that includes "S" in Leaflet. (..and yes, am a beginner at coding..) var kitespots = { "type&...
Liah Cheston's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Leaflet: mutually exclusive overlay layers: "overlayadd" event firing twice

LeafletJS. I am trying to have two overlay layers be mutually exclusive. Full example here on jsfiddle I guess it comes down to this bit of code: map.on('overlayadd', function(event) { ...
Buzz's user avatar
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0 votes
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Can single user have multiple roles in ArcGIS? [closed]

Is it possible to assign multiple roles to a single user? I would like to have the following setup: Role A gives edit/view access to layer A Role B gives edit/view access to layer B and User X has ...
Birgir Gudmundsson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Filtering on multiple features with the use of L.control.layers so that the checkboxes are within the map

Working with leaflet.js. I'm trying to incorporate multiple filters in L.control.layers. I have a working layer control for changing basemaps and layers of markers with different years, but I would ...
Peter's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Turn Layer off by default in Leaflet LayerControl

In the following python code I have three data layers while I need to show only two of them by default as the program executes. So the Places and District layer should be checked as the map is opened ...
Mehmud's user avatar
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