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Questions tagged [dem]

For questions about Digital Elevation Models (DEM), Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and Digital Surface Models (DSM)

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Combine Slope and Aspect of a DEM for suitiable PV-Powerplants

I want to get areas for PV-Powerplants via QGIS. I used the solution under Filter for south pointing areas from a DEM for extraction of the areas which are not facing north (60-300°). But I need ...
BAE_23's user avatar
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Python CLI/Package to handle DTM conversion from raster to mesh (obj or ply) [closed]

I was wondering if there is a Python CLI, package or even a QGIS tool that makes it possible to convert a DEM from raster to mesh. The only way I found at the moment is sampling points from the raster,...
aogino's user avatar
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Wrong elevation of DEM

I received a DEM made without calibrate the elevation with ground control points, the result is a DEM with 5 m below the real surface. How can I fix this issue if the plane coordinate are perfect, the ...
Manuel Azancot's user avatar
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Load granule subset (tiles) from mosaic based on shapefile footprint (grid) with QGIS

I downloaded DTM RGE ALTI® from french IGN here The directory contains a mosaic of granules : I would like to load only a subset of the mosaic. The dowloaded product contains a shapefile named ...
jlSta's user avatar
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QGIS Drape (set Z value from raster) to set Z-value along all pixels under a geometry (not only vertices)

In QGIS (3.34 at the time of writing), the "Drape (set Z value from raster)" algorithm (native:setzfromraster) allows the user to assign a Z value to a given vector geometry using a raster ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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Conversion of a DEM model from Baltic Height system 1977 to EGM96

I have a raster DEM model (geotiff) with horizontal coordinate system EPSG:4326 and vertical heights regarding the Baltic Heigts system 1977 I'm trying to convert it into EGM96 ...
Mike's user avatar
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Elevation discrepancy while clipping a DEM in QGIS 3.28.9

I clipped a DEM (Clipped mask) using the GDAL Processing Tool - clip raster by mask layer from a DEM (clipped). The maximum elevation value of the Clipped mask is 7286m, while the same in the clipped ...
GIStree's user avatar
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Points-Elevation from DEM via WMS

I am trying calculate elevations of points (which I collected via GPS on phone) to save as a base line of study area. Here is what I did: First, input the points as geotagged images to QGIS. Second, ...
Hanna's user avatar
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USGS 3DEP 1m issues with quality and Google Earth Engine

I have an issue when layering elevation data using hillshade with USGS 3DEP 1m DEM. Some areas in the US I get artifact lines(lower quality?) on my hillshade layer, while other areas in the US I get ...
Ben's user avatar
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QGIS - Matching Exported Files to Print Layout Exports

I am exporting a u16 bit DEM of New Zealand's South Island using the save as > raw data method and specifying a lower resolution (to reduce the file size). This is after warping the data to my ...
stewaoi's user avatar
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How to replace bathymetry in a DEM

I have a merit DEM TIFF file and in that file, I simply wish to replace some values by taking values from another TIFF file that has bathymetry data for a lake. Can I do this using a raster calculator?...
Cynthia Fowler's user avatar
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Conflicting date ranges for COPERNICUS/DEM/GLO30 in Earth Engine

I'm trying to filter DEMs from the COPERNICUS/DEM/GLO30 ImageCollection in Google Earth Engine by date. However, the date range I'm getting from the collection seems incorrect, leading to filtering ...
Patschenkof's user avatar
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ArcGIS JS API RasterShaderReliefRenderer does not color full range of DEM elevation values

I have a DEM of the state of florida as an ImageService, here. I want to render this DEM using nicer colors than black and white using the ArcGIS JS API. Following the example ImageryTileLayer - ...
Seth Lutske's user avatar
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Colour intersecting viewsheds by number of intersects

I'm creating a PyQGIS plugin which utilises the Grass7 r.viewshed algorithm. It creates viewsheds as .tif Layers in the project, using the main raster layer as a Digital Terrain/Elevation Model for ...
oliver's user avatar
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Converting vertical datum of Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) to EGM96

I want to model the impact of sea level rise (SLR) on the coast zone of an Asian country using a modified bathtub model. The SLR projections include AR6 results and extreme sea level (ESL) by high ...
Yuxuan Ye's user avatar

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