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Separation of DSM as Building DSM and Canopy Height Model in QGIS

I am currently trying to separate the DSM as Building DSM and Canopy Height Model. I also have DTM, Building Footprint data. Digital Surface Model Building Footprints. For separation I converted the ...
sevvaldurmazbilek's user avatar
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How do I create a polygon layer of high slope (>58%) area from a DEM in ArcGIS Pro

I am hoping to get from a slope raster (calculated from a 10m resolution DEM) to a polygon of areas above a certain grade (58%). I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.1. I have used the Raster Calculator tool to ...
Andrew Muloford's user avatar
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Wrong height values during the subtraction of DSM-DTM in QGIS

I have a DSM and a DTM and want to create Normalized DSM by subtracting DTM from DSM. It is a simple calculation that I can do it in Raster Calculator with the DSM-DTM expression. However, the height ...
sevvaldurmazbilek's user avatar
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Finding average depth of filled sink using ArcGIS Pro

How to find out the depth of a filled cells (filled using "Fill" tool for a DEM)? I have a DEM (50m resolution) for which I used "Fill" tool of the hydrology tool of ArcGIS Pro to ...
gis1234's user avatar
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How to calculate area in mountainous regions

My query is related to area calculation in mountainous areas. There is a simple method in QGIS to find the area of any polygon, like we need to project shapefile in the required projection system and ...
Shumaill's user avatar
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Terracing and data format issues when converting DEM from float32 to UInt16

I have spent quite a bit of time trying to figure this issue out; I was hoping someone on here could give some advice on what to do. I am having issues with terracing on my 3D model in Blender and I ...
pichaell's user avatar
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QGIS Apply Correction to Elevation Datum

I am wanting to apply a blanket correction to a bathymetry layer i.e. add 2m to every DEM cell. I assume I do this in the Raster Calculator but I'm unsure of the command line to use.
Fitch's user avatar
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5 votes
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Writing Conditional in QGIS raster calculator

I have a Digital Elevation Model raster with negative values in QGIS software, I would like to know how I can multiply all negative values by -1, ie all values less than 0, turning them into positive ...
Adilson's user avatar
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Reclassifying DEM via Raster Calculator in ArcGIS Pro

I have a DEM which has min-max values of 85m to 121m. I need to reclassify it so that 85m-90m is 1, 91m-95m is 2, and so on. This is easy to do in the Reclassify tool but what's the expression if I ...
BallpenMan's user avatar
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Make one DEM file with the lowest points of two overlapping DEM files with QGIS

I have two rasters DEM files which are exactly overlapping. Now I want to have a new file with the lowest points from both DEMs. I think Raster calculator can do such things, but I dont know how. How ...
Philipp B.'s user avatar
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Converting a degree slope raster to a percent slope raster, without a DEM, using raster calculator

I've been given a raster of degree slope which I need to convert to percent slope. As the original DEM is not available and those who provided the raster want me to work with this one, I have to ...
YamCham's user avatar
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Precise landmass outline from DEM data with QGIS

I can't find a way to obtain the following (see picture below) from DEM data with QGIS -- that is, an image that would show the landmasses as white and the oceans as black from DEM data. I've also ...
CyanideBaby's user avatar
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Increase elevation for a portion of the raster covered by a shapefile

I have a raster of California. I have the shapefile over CA. I would like to keep the bits hanging off into OR, NV, and AZ. What I'd like to do is to raise CA up about 200 feet from where it is, ...
Jon McLaughlin's user avatar
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Expanding river width on raster based DEM in ArcMap [closed]

How do I expand the river width on a raster based DEM in ArcMap? For example, my DEM has 20 m cell size, and I want that my river is wide 3x that everywhere (60 m in total, or 3 cell wide). I have ...
Mirko Barada's user avatar
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Change rasters' z value to minus (Below sealeave)

My current raster has positive values for all features but I need them all to be negative as it is for a seafloor basin. A handful of values are negative but most are positive. I have access to ArcGIS ...
communityecologist's user avatar

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