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Questions tagged [csv]

A comma-separated values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain-text form.

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How to generate CSV file for polygons to show in QGIS

My table looks like this: but adding this as a text defined layer hasn't got me anywhere as X and Y are not clearly defined. I am new to QGIS.
Hemproski's user avatar
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PyQGIS: Transform Lat-Long CSV into a UTM project

I have a UTM project in QGIS and need to import some CSV files that are in Latitude Longitude format. When I import it using the GUI, it knows that it is in CRS: 4326 and does a ballpark reprojection ...
JeffF's user avatar
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Values coming NULL after importing table from Excel

I'm importing a CSV file into ArcGIS Pro, I've used geoprocessing tool XY Table to Point but values have come in null. Column type is double in ArcGIS Pro. Highlighted is the column which imports null ...
user237914's user avatar
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Create layer from CSV with a bunch of KML polygons

I have a CSV with 3 fields Id,Name,KML polygon. I want to create layers from this polygons in QGIS. I've tried to add delimeter text layer with geometry definition as WKT or without any geometry ...
Artem Sh's user avatar
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Converting WGS84 UTM to WGS84 ESPG:2039 in CSV file format

Is there a simple free app or a site that you can just load a CSV file with coordinates in UTM and get a CSV file with coordinates in ESPG:2039?
YuvalM's user avatar
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Create a program that merges attributes from a CSV file with a shapefile

I need to create a program that merges attributes from a CSV file with a shapefile, resulting in a new shapefile named after the CSV file. How can I do this? import geopandas as gpd import os import ...
Spark 99's user avatar
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What format is this CSV written in?

I would like to work with this set of data and transfrom it into an shapefile, but I have no clue which language it is written in, nor how to convert it. Any hints?: id,geo_point_2d,geo_shape,muerdago,...
Giscap's user avatar
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Exporting QGIS layer to Gephi

When trying to export a QGIS multistring line layer to Gephi through a CSV file it gives the error that the CSV is lacking Source and Target attributes in the layer. Since there is already a similar ...
CarloseNew's user avatar
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Accented characters in CSV file appear as '?' when importing to QGIS 3.34.2 [duplicate]

I am trying to import a CSV set of data to join to a shapefile in QGIS but the accented characters and ñ character are displayed as missing in the attribute table and performing a join is impossible.
IDHA's user avatar
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This code is giving me empty line layer

This code run well but produces an empty line layer with no attribute from qgis.core import QgsPointXY, QgsFeature, QgsGeometry, QgsProject, QgsVectorLayer from qgis.utils import iface # Path to your ...
banjo martins's user avatar
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Adding source and target fields to attribute table

I am trying to find a way to add source and target to a CSV file which is being exported to Gephi (network analysis software) for a edges (line) layer. However, when importing into Gephi I am missing ...
CarloseNew's user avatar
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Loading CSV files using PyQGIS [closed]

This script works with older version of QGIS but not the latest one. What is wrong with this script? I do not think the space in the directory name is the cause. import os.path, glob from qgis.core ...
Kumar Navulur's user avatar
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Appending/translating CSV data to GeoPackage with drop drown attribute Fields

I will preface this with some context. I've created a data collection Project that I use in QField, comprised of multiple Geopackage layers that have been heavily modified in the Attribute Forms ...
Kelson Willms's user avatar
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Image too large to export as table from GEE

I have multiple images that I am processing and would like to then export their values as a CSV table. All the following code is available and should be easily reproducible: var age = ee.Image('users/...
Ana Catarina Vitorino's user avatar
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Integer field of CSV file always output as String when processed with ogr2ogr

I have a file places.csv with the following contents: name,lat,lon,type,population Aalfang,48.8393882,15.0675236,village,410 Abern,48.0556773,13.1533381,village,203 Abersee,47.7266536,13.4169871,...
Florian Ledermann's user avatar

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