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Social Sharing

Share your images directly to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Buffer.

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The old way of sharing to a social media account from a design application was to post to your account or page, logging into that social network, and then finally checking if the image looks OK. With Stencil social sharing, you can preview and share your image directly to your favorite social media account without ever leaving the page. Simply connect your social accounts and you can share in seconds.

Social Sharing

Preview Your Images Before Sharing

Sometimes it can be a bit scary sharing an image without knowing just how it's going to look first. With Stencil's Live Previews, you can see just how your image will look on mobile and desktop, when you share it on social media. You can also add a description right from Stencil and that will update in the preview as well. This way, there'll be no surprises and you can expect your image to look great wherever you share it.

Share to Facebook

Share To Facebook

Sharing directly to Facebook couldn't be easier with Stencil. As of 2018, Facebook only allows sharing directly to Facebook Business Pages from third-party apps like Stencil. Connect your Facebook profile in Stencil and you'll immediately see any of the business pages your profile is tied to. You can then share images directly to any of those pages right from Stencil.

Share to Twitter

Share To Twitter

Sharing directly to Twitter is as a easy as connecting your Twitter account! The first time you try to share to Twitter from Stencil, you'll get the option to connect your account. Once it's connected, you'll be able to post directly to Twitter and get a maximum character countdown indicator as well. This will ensure your descriptions never get cut off and that your full tweet is always displayed. You can also add as many Twitter accounts to Stencil as you'd like.

Share to Instagram

Sharing To Instagram

Since sharing to Instagram from the desktop is still tricky with most third-party software like Stencil, we've built an amazing workaround that's fast, simple and very effective. When you share your image to Instagram from Stencil, it gets sent to your mobile device as an SMS, where you can then share the image straight to Instagram from your phone. Pretty cool, right? This quickly gets around Instagram's restriction on sharing images from desktop devices and doesn't require you to install any additional apps on your mobile device.

Share to Pinterest

Share To Pinterest

With Pinterest, you don't need to connect your Pinterest account. Simply paste in the URL you want your image to link to, and a Pinterest window will appear when you attempt to share your image. There, you'll be able to choose which board you'd like to add your pin to and the option to add a description as well.

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