If you don't know what I mean by "RWBY-style character teams":. In this series (made/produced by Rooster Teeth) the teams are named like "RWBY" where the team's name are the initials of the name Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang (in this case) . Furthermore the names of the teams in this series are all derived from the names of colors. What prompts should be used for creating character teams like this, but using my own words as a reference for the team's names?

1 Answer 1


For Creating team like RBWY using llm you need to provide a custom prompt to the LLM to behave like the characters you have to guide the llm on how you want to generate the output for example you can give the prompt like this "Create a RWBY-style team of four characters. The team should follow a "Sunset" color theme. Provide a name, weapon, semblance, and brief personality for each character. The names should form the acronym SUNE."