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4 votes

Civilization VI/6 crashes on startup on Linux

Since you are running Fedora, try this: Check that 'freetype' is installed dnf list installed | grep freetype Open Steam, Select the Game, Go to Properties, Select 'Set launch options' Enter the ...
C26's user avatar
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How to stop Steam from automatically running in background (Linux)

Since you've mentioned specific systemd configuration files for Steam, so here is how you can do so. First open the terminal application and run the following command to confirm which systemd services ...
Miles G.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Civilization VI/6 crashes on startup on Linux

While I have noted that there are multiple methods to solve this issue online, the one that worked for me (which I couldn't find written anywhere prior) was adding this to the game's launch options in ...
Newbyte's user avatar
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1 vote

Why can't the minecraft resourcepack folder be a symlink to elsewhere?

You can absolutely replace the resourcepacks dir with a symlink to elsewhere. I don't use the official launcher, but that shouldn't matter as Minecraft scans it during runtime. This is especially ...
James Groom's user avatar
1 vote

Why can't the minecraft resourcepack folder be a symlink to elsewhere?

As far as I know, there is no way linking another folder to the default resource pack. But you can make a folder and paste all your resource packs in it. You can save the current resource pack folder ...
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