I have am running a new Bedrock server, latest version. Everything seems to work fine. I have both correct ports forwarded and TCP/UDP for both. I can connect from Bedrock clients over the internet by WAN IPv4 address, and by WAN IPv6 address.

I have dynamic DNS set up (for quite some time) and the hostname works for everything else. When I "Add Server" in the Bedrock client, and use that WAN hostname (either port for IPv4 or IPv6), Bedrock client is "Unable to connect to world." I've been trying everything I can think of (I have good but older networking experience), and have been unable to figure it out. Unfortunately Bedrock (both client and server) do not give much debug/troubleshooting feedback.

I can ping my dyn-WAN hostname, and it returns the correct IP v4 and v6 addresses, the same ones that work if used in Add Server.

I am also running a longstanding Minecraft Java server on a different machine. We connect to it using the same dyn-WAN hostname, but totally different ports (numbers aren't even close), and that has always worked fine.

Searching all the usual places hasn't turned up any issues/advice about Bedrock and server hostnames.

My best guesses (which I have no practical way to verify) are:

  • Bedrock simply doesn't work right when given host/domain names and glitches out somehow. (I can't find any pure Bedrock server hostnames to test online, they're all Java/Geyser crossplay.)
  • ???

UPDATE: I did find some information that Bedrock server requires a CNAME DNS entry for clients to be able to connect by hostname, for some reason. I'm still trying after adding a CNAME record to my dynamic DNS host. Perhaps this is the actual issue, but I haven't gotten it to work yet. I can nslookup my new CNAME record (it's been up for a few names) but my Bedrock clients are still not connecting, so I don't know yet.

  • Hi Johnny, have you checked the list of existing questions (for example the ones that mention your error code)?
    – Joachim
    Commented Apr 3 at 10:05
  • 1
    @Joachim I'm, not sure how to find a more specific error code, the "Unable to connect to world" is a generic error that could mean almost anything; although nearly infinite questions have that error I haven't found any that address the DNS-hostname issue that I'm facing here.
    – Johnny
    Commented Apr 5 at 23:16
  • I have seen this on super user. It might be worth debugging if the issue is around having both servers running at the same time if they're not on sub domains. Commented Apr 6 at 7:32


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