I've had no luck in getting iron golem to spawn in my underground iron farm.

The whole farm is right in the middle of a real village, all the villagers are now on the farm and not at the surface.

My spawning area for the golems is 16x16 and is covered at the top

The space between the doors and the wall has a direct skylight all around.

I have around 10 villagers on each side of the spawning area, and they are level with my doors. They can breed when I feed them.

I am playing the bedrock edition on switch.

Here are some pictures of it:

topview skylight villager prison

  • Are there blocks above the doors? Commented Nov 25, 2018 at 20:18
  • Not directly, but their are some about 6 blocks above the doors
    – moptoptrev
    Commented Nov 26, 2018 at 0:11
  • Do the villagers have access to the doors?
    – Ben
    Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 3:21

5 Answers 5


There have to be at least 11 villagers and 21 doors in order for it to spawn.


There could be several things wrong with your farm, there could be not enough villagers, the villagers might not have slept recently enough, they might have seen another iron golem recently, or they might need the proper motivtion, like from a zombie.

Based on the pictures, the detecting another golem recently doesn't seem to be an issue, despite being built above the real village, but it's best to make sure that there are no golems left in the village, just in case.

Adding more villagers likely won't change much, 3 is the minimum to summon one, more villagers will just make it faster

Now, here is where I belive the main issue of your farm lies, the villagers need to have slept recently, even if they sleep for half a second, it still counts. I don't think iron golems can spawn while villagers are sleeping, but if maximum efficiency isn't a concern, don't worry too much about it.

By far the fastest way to get villagers to spawn iron golems is to make them panic. This can be done, most commonly, by a zombie. There are other ways, but zombies are the easiest. A passive farm is where villagers will spawn an iron golem every so often when they haven't detected another golem for the past 5 minutes. An active farm will use some means of panicking the villagers to get them to spawn an iron golem. Depending on which type you use, there will come different issues that need fixing.

To start, add beds and add a zombie, but make sure the villagers can still sleep, and that should get you iron golems spawning.


There are two sides of this coin either you don't have enough villagers/village is not large enough OR you just need to move your farm to the top where it would be more likely. There is the long hard way for the golem finding a cave and mining until you have enough.

  • 1
    The height of a village usually doesn't matter. Commented Nov 26, 2018 at 6:12

Something that might help is trapping zombies so that the villagers can see the zombies. Iron golems spawn based off villager fear (sort of), so that could increase the efficiency.


what blocks are the iron golems meant to spawn on iron golems are meant to spawn on "village blocks". ex: wood, dirt, farmland, and slabs. Also, make sure your villagers have jobs.

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