Whenever I try to buy something my cursor changes from the styled one in Dota 2 to the normal one from Windows and if I move it around I see it change to select text, so CTRL + A gives this output. [pastebin link]

Basically the Steam popup/window is invisible. I tried reinstalling Dota 2 but this didn't fix it.

screenshot of mouse cursor changing

1 Answer 1


Try relaunching Dota 2 from the Big Picture Client. The result is that a different Steam layout appears whenever you Shift-Tab. See if you are now able to purchase.

  • Didn't work. Also shift-tab has the same behaviour as clicking the market button. Commented May 16, 2016 at 23:27
  • Sorry for the delay. I think there is a problem with Steam Overlay. I also face the same problem only the client browser won't load at all. The same problem doesn't happen in another computer. Tried reinstalling Steam afresh? Commented May 21, 2016 at 12:51

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