Now that I have the DLC for ETS2, I would like to explore the new areas added, however, I cannot seem to pan the map far enough to the East as it will just snap back to Wroclaw as soon as it gets past it. (See the image)

Wroclaw map

If I zoom completely in, I'm able to go just a tad further than the image above shows. I'm using mods, which cannot be uninstalled on a save, but I have tested that the map works fine without mods, on another save. I'm so far in the game that I would hate to start over again and I like the mods I have now.

Is there a way for me to make the camera work? I'm open to any suggestions from settings files to new mods.

My current mods are

  • Elegance - Destinos
  • Elegance 360 (seems to be the cause, but it's also my current vehicle)
  • OversizeLoadMod (v1.4.1)
  • Realistic Physics Mod v7.0

1 Answer 1


Any mod that has a game_data.sii file can cause the problem. You only need a small tweak to fix this, that is if you can't find newer versions of your mods. You'll need 7zip.

Mods are loaded in alphabetic order (a-z) so you only need to edit the last mod (to be loaded) that contains the game_data.sii file. So start by opening Realistic Physics Mod. Right-click on it, under the 7-zip sub-menu in the context menu, select open archive. You'll find a folder called def, inside that check for game_data.sii (if you don't find it, skip to the next mod). Right click on it and select edit. Find the following lines

camera_limits_max[4]: (33000.0, 42000.0)
camera_limits_max[5]: (23000.0, 32000.0)
camera_limits_max[6]: (21000.0, 33000.0)
camera_limits_max[7]: (15000.0, 26000.0)

and replace with

camera_limits_max[4]: (45000.0, 42000.0)
camera_limits_max[5]: (43000.0, 32000.0)
camera_limits_max[6]: (34000.0, 33000.0)
camera_limits_max[7]: (15000.0, 26000.0)

save and exit.

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