I have found that when a worker moves into a hex and starts work having used a part of their movement points, they will start work on the end of that turn, not the next turn.

This is similar to when a military unit heals on a hex and that they do not start healing unless they end the turn with all their movement points.

If a worker starts work when they have used a movement point (or percentage of) do they only put that percentage of work into their turns remaining?

For example, if a worker starts work when they have 1 out of 2 movement points remaining, do they only put in 50% which is half a turn of work?

enter image description here

  • 1
    @Nacho: Thank you for your comments. I have upgraded the question. Some of the comments seemed to wonder if this could affect completion. I am interested in this also, so I have upgraded the question. Cheers
    – Valamas
    Commented Feb 29, 2012 at 23:25

1 Answer 1



Workers do not work partial turns. A worker spends its remaining movement for the turn to do one turn of work.

First Test

Hunting camps take 6 turns to build.

Started construction on a hunting camp with an unmoved worker. The progress display said 5 turns remaining.

Started construction on a hunting camp with a worker that moved into the square via road. The progress display said 5 turns remaining.

Second Test

Roads take 3 turns to build.

  • First turn I moved a worker from plains to plains (1/2 move remaining) and clicked the build road button (2 turns remaining).
  • Second turn I moved that worker off and moved another one on (1/2 move remaining) and clicked the build road button (1 turn remaining).
  • Third turn I moved the second worker off and moved a third one on (1/2 move remaining) - when I clicked the build road button, the road completed.

This technique could be used to create a long road with workers that move every turn as long as they don't spend all of their movement to enter the tile.

  • Testing was done with no pyramids and no Citizenship policy.
    – Amy B
    Commented Mar 1, 2012 at 3:14
  • Excellent work!
    – Valamas
    Commented Mar 1, 2012 at 5:02

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