How does the money system work? How much money is provided for winning/losing and kills?

Is there differences between T and CT side for money/cost? Guns will give me different rewards, how is this determined? For example the AWP will reward $100, but a grenade kill is $300. Would a molotov kill be the same? A knife kill?

  • What do you mean by "sometimes guns give me different rewards"? Do you mean the same guns give different money, or different guns give different money?
    – JMac
    Commented Nov 7, 2017 at 15:56
  • Oops my apologies, different guns give different money. Commented Nov 7, 2017 at 15:58
  • According to the CS Wiki, kills with different guns (or a knife) do give different rewards: counterstrike.wikia.com/wiki/…
    – DGarvanski
    Commented Nov 7, 2017 at 15:59

1 Answer 1


From http://counterstrike.wikia.com/wiki/Money

All information below only applies to Classic Modes (Casual and Competitive) as Arsenal and Deathmatch do not use money. The Money cap in Casual Mode has been changed to $10000 as opposed to $16000 in Competitive.


Kill rewards

enter image description here

Objective rewards

  • In Bomb Defusal, defusing or planting the bomb awards a $300 bonus for the player that defused / planted.
  • In Competitive Hostage Rescue, all Counter-Terrorists receive a $600 reward for picking up a hostage.
  • In Competitive Hostage Rescue, all Counter-Terrorists receive a $600 reward for rescuing a hostage.
  • In Casual Hostage Rescue, all Counter-Terrorists receive a $500 reward for picking up a hostage.
  • In Hostage Rescue, the player who picks up the hostage receives a $300 bonus.
  • In Hostage Rescue, the player who rescues the hostage receives a $1000 bonus.

Round end rewards

enter image description here


  • When the player injures hostages, the player will receive a -$30 penalty for every point of damage dealt to the hostage.
  • In competitive mode, teamkilling will result in a penalty of -$300.
  • To discourage "denying" (prevent the enemy from getting a kill award by committing suicide), players who committed suicide or disconnected mid-game will cause an enemy player to receive compensation equal to the kill award that could have been gained.1
  • In Bomb Defusal, surviving Terrorists will not receive any round-end money if the round is lost by running out of time.

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