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Manual per-glyph rendering with SDL_TTF

I'm trying to create a font atlas with SDL_TTF. My idea was to create an SDL_Surface for every character using ...
neverov's user avatar
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Scale screen space quads (used in font rendering)

I have quads positioned in <0, 1> x <0, 1> coordinates. I use this system for font rendering. In vertex shader I have: ...
Martin Perry's user avatar
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How to maintain char widths of non-monospace fonts?

Having a font via spritesheet (as PNG), the easiest way to render fonts from that is just showing chars as monospace, but as you can imagine, that looks not pretty with chars like ...
nitwhiz's user avatar
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How do I render Hindi text in Libgdx?

How do I render Hindi text in Libgdx using any font? For example, I want to render the word "प्रकार". Here is what I have, so far: ...
arv's user avatar
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How to disable Monogame pixel font antialiasing?

I am using Monogame 3.4 (I have held off upgrading to 3.5) and am on Windows 10. I'm drawing using the PointClamp setting (as suggested in this similar question). Whenever I render text with ...
Brady Welch's user avatar
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Why not draw a custom font with lines and/or polygons?

Reasons/advantages I see: More flexible procedural animation. Completely custom font. Performance (no texturing or high-poly)? No assets (unless data-driven). Multi-resolution compared to sprite ...
Den's user avatar
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LibGDX, BitmapFont strange position behavior

I'm using a Stage of LibGDX to draw a text, in my case the FPS. But after resizing, the position of the text does not behave properly. As you can see in the attached gif: The resizing function does ...
okaay's user avatar
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Drawing fonts with LWJGL3 with OpenGL

I'm very sorry if this question has already been answered, but since I've been struggling with this for many days I thought I'd give it a shot here. My goal is to somehow render some text on the ...
Allar Viinamäe's user avatar
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Kerning between glyphs using SDL2_ttf

I'm loading a number of characters (using SDL2_ttf) into a texture atlas to improve performance. The glyphs can be separately rendered correctly, however, how can you find the kerning distance ...
Eamonn's user avatar
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LWJGL Text Rendering

Currently in my project I am using LWJGL and the Slick2D library to render text onto the screen. Here is a more specific example: ...
Trixmix's user avatar
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5 answers

Preferred way to render text in OpenGL [closed]

I'm about to pick up computer graphics once again for an university project. For a previous project I used a library called FTGL that didn't leave me quite satisfied as it felt kind of heavy (I tried ...
dukeofgaming's user avatar
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How can I render fonts in a game with correct hinting?

I've used angel code's bitmap font generator quite a bit; though it's very good, I wonder if there would be a way to use the hinting information to provide a better and more readable result, by using ...
Richard Fabian's user avatar