Friday the 13th Wiki

"They were warned... They are doomed... And on Friday the 13th, nothing will save them."

Friday the 13th is a 1980 slasher film produced and directed by Sean Cunningham and written by Victor Miller. It stars Betsy Palmer, Adrienne King, Harry Crosby, Laurie Bartram, Mark Nelson, Jeannine Taylor, Robbi Morgan, and Kevin Bacon. The film tells the story of a group of teenage camp counselors who are murdered one by one by an unknown killer while attempting to re-open an abandoned summer camp.


In a brief prologue set in 1958, two summer camp counselors at Camp Crystal Lake, named Barry Jackson and Claudette Hayes, sneak away from a campfire sing-along to have sex. Before they completely undress, an unseen assailant sneaks into the room. Barry and Claudette notice her. Barry is trying to convince the assailant that they weren't doing anything. Unconvinced, the assailant stabs Barry in the guts, chases down Claudette and slashes her throat.

The film moves forward to the present: Friday, June 13th. A young woman named Annie Phillips enters a small diner and asks for directions to Camp Crystal Lake, much to the shock of the patrons and staff. Enos, a friendly truck driver from the diner, agrees to give Annie a lift to the crossroads cemetery, which is halfway to the camp.

Leaving the diner, they're interrupted by Crazy Ralph asking, "You're going to Camp Blood ain't ya?". Enos and Annie ignore him. Ralph starts talking to Annie, warning her of the danger, but they ignore Ralph and keep going.

Then, Annie and Enos reach the truck. During the drive, he warns her about the dark, bloody history of "Camp Blood" and insists she quit immediately. Informing her of a boy drowning in 1957, the two murders, and serial arson as reasons why the camp is considered cursed. Annie ignores the superstition and continues her hike to the camp when dropped off at the cemetery.

In a car, we're introduced to Ned Rubenstein, Jack Burrell, and Marcie Stanler. Jack and Marcie are a couple and Ned is most likely jealous of them. They are all headed to Camp Crystal Lake to work as counselors.

When Ned, Jack, and Marcie reach the camp, they help Steve Christy and introduce themselves. Alice Hardy introduces herself and tells Steve that there is another cabin that is needed to be prepared.

Alice runs to Bill Brown, who's by the lake, and talks to him. Alice runs back towards the main cabins.

Annie hitches to the camp. A driver appears and Annie asks for a ride. As Annie talks to the driver, the driver is suspiciously quiet. But as the driver speeds up past the entrance to the camp, Annie starts to panic and jumps out. The driver chases the injured girl into the woods, catching her and slitting her throat.

Steve has informed them that he is going to leave for town to stock up supplies.

As Brenda Jones is trying to set up the archery range, suddenly, an arrow is shot up next to her. She discovered that it was Ned trying to fool around.

The counselors decide to swim at the lake. They are setting up the rafts as Alice and Bill are lying down next to the lake. As the counselors are swimming in the lake, Brenda notices something strange that is facing them in the woods. Marcie was worried, but Brenda was saying that it is probably nothing. Later on, when they were all playing, they noticed that something is wrong with Ned, they notice that he is drowning. Brenda and Jack run to the lake to rescue Ned. They get him up to the raft, as Brenda is trying to preform a resuscitation. Ned then kisses Brenda as it was all a prank.

In Alice's cabin, Alice decided to get ready for dinner. She sees something crawling to the drawer, a snake. Alice screams to Bill to come to her cabin as he carries a machete. Everyone heard Alice scream to Bill and they were all worried so they ran to her cabin as well. Alice has told Bill to murder the snake. As it was just a snake. All of the counselors proceeded to try murdering the snake. After murdering the snake, Marcie pulls a joke to try and lighten the mood.

As Ned is fooling around, they get a visit from Officer Dorf, who is searching for Ralph. Brenda says that they never saw anyone that entered the camp. Jack notices Officer Dorf's motorcycle, as the officer denied to let him on. Officer Dorf then gets a call from the station and leaves the camp.

As Alice sets up the kitchen for dinner with Marcie and Ned, she opens the pantry, Ralph approaches her from the pantry. Ralph says, "I'm the messenger of God. You're doomed if you stay here. This placed is cursed... cursed. It's got a death curse." As he runs out of the cabin to his bicycle, Alice looks at him and he says, "You're doomed, you're all doomed." Jack says to Alice, "I think we just met Ralph".

A storm is approaching as the sun goes down, when Jack and Marcie are walking along the lake, Ned is getting jealous and walking another way. He then notices someone that is dressed with black slacks, brown plaid shirt, and a class ring. That person was standing outside Ned and Marcie's cabin. As Ned approaches that person, he asks "Can I help you?" and he goes into the cabin.

Marcie talks about her dream that she had many times saying that in the dream, it was raining very hard, and the rain turned into blood. When she was done with that story, the thunder and lightning was getting worse. Jack says, "It is going to rain like a son of a gun", and they go into their cabin. As they went into the cabin, they started to have sex in a bunk bed, and unaware that Ned's body is in the bunk above them, as his throat is slit.

Marcie said afterwards that she has to use the bathroom, leaving Jack, unaware that the killer is in the same cabin and under Jack's bed the entire time. After Marcie left, Jack has grabbed a cigarette. A drip of blood dropped on his forehead. The killer has grabbed Jack's forehead, ramming an arrow through the bed, piercing his throat.

While Marcie is using the bathroom, she hears a door creaking as it's opening. Marcie suspects that it's Jack. She leaves the bathroom washing her hands. Marcie is staring at her mirror talking to herself. She hears a little noise from the shower room. She thinks that it's the counselors pulling a prank on her. As Marcie is approaching the showers, she opens the shower blinds and thinks that it's only her imagination. Then, from the shadows, an axe is raised as Marcie turns around. The axe is slammed on Marcie's head.

In Alice's cabin, Brenda becomes bored with nothing to do and, with the help of weed and beer, decides Bill and Alice should play "Strip Monopoly" with her to pass the time. When the savage storm blows the door open halfway through the game, Brenda realizes her cabin windows are open and heads out to shut it, calling it a night. As Brenda gets ready for bed and curls up with a book, a child-like voice calls out to her from the storm. Unsure if it is another person or a serious call for help, Brenda gives in and heads outside into the rain. The outdoor lights come up, revealing she has walked into the archery range. Blinded by the light, she is trapped by the killer and dies off screen.

When Bill returns to Alice's cabin after a quick venture outside, Alice tells him she heard a scream, certain it was Brenda's. The two of them head out to Brenda's cabin, where they find a bloody axe (the same one used to kill Marcie) tucked away in Brenda's bed. Searching Jack and Marcie's cabin and then the bathrooms, Alice and Bill find no one around and they start to suspect it isn't a setup or a prank and is actually something serious, though Bill tries to keep Alice calm by suggesting otherwise. The two break into Steve's office and find the phone lines have been cut. They try to take Jack's car to town, but it won't start. With a 20 mile walk through a pitch black forest and the pouring rain out of the question, the two give up and decide to wait at the main lodge for Steve back.

Meanwhile, Steve finishes his meal at the local diner. Knowing they are new to the camp and not as skilled as he is, Steve decides to head back to Camp Crystal Lake to check up on them, instead of waiting out the storm in town. Partway down the road, Steve's jeep gets stuck in the mud and, because of the heavy load of supplies he's hauling, he can't get it out. A passing policeman offers him a ride back to camp, but gets a report of a serious accident in town and is forced to drop him off as close as he can. As Steve walks the rest of the way back, he is stopped by a flashlight at the Camp Crystal Lake sign. Apparently recognizing the person, Steve asks what they are doing out in this mess of a storm. The killer then stabs him with a knife.

Arriving back at the camp, the killer goes to the power generator cabin and disables it, forcing Bill to go out and investigate; he insists Alice stay in the cabin rather than follow. When Bill does not return, Alice becomes concerned again and heads out to the generator cabin to look for him. Not finding him in the small cabin, she closes the front door, and she finds his body pinned to the door by several arrows. Now alone, terrified and knowing that something is killing her friends, Alice flees back to the main cabin and tries to barricade herself in. After a few moments of silence, Brenda's corpse is hurled through a window.

Alice hears a vehicle outside of the cabin and, thinking it to be Steve, runs out to join him and escape. Instead she finds a middle-aged woman who introduces herself as Mrs. Voorhees. Mrs. Voorhees explains that she is an old friend of the Christy's. Alice hysterically warns her away, but she insists on going inside to check after being told about the deaths. Mrs. Voorhees expresses horror and sadness at the sight of Brenda's body, and starts criticising Steve for trying to open the camp after all that had happened here. Calling the camp cursed, Mrs. Voorhees tells Alice that her son Jason died at the camp in 1957. Mrs. Voorhees goes on a tangent, describing how she was the camp's cook and how Jason, who wasn't a good swimmer, had drowned in the lake when the councilors left the children, and her Jason, unsupervised to go off and have sex. After telling Alice that June 13th, a Friday, is her son's birthday, she switches between talking to herself and shouting at Alice, accusing her personally of killing her son. Mrs. Voorhees pulls out a hunting knife, the same one used to kill several of Alice's friends. The class ring on her left hand removes all doubt that Mrs. Voorhees is the killer. A lengthy chase ensues, during which Alice flees her attacker and finds Annie's body in Mrs. Voorhees jeep, and Steve's body, hanging upside down outside.

Mrs. Voorhees heads back into the generator room to turn the power back on before continuing the chase. She corners Alice in a storage shed, where Alice finds a shotgun, but the ammunition drawer is chained and locked. Before Alice can load it, Mrs. Voorhees attacks her and slaps her around. Alice escapes and runs back to the main cabin, hiding behind a locked door in the pantry. Mrs. Voorhees breaks the door open and rushes in at Alice, brandishing a machete. Alice hits her on the side of the head with a frying pan, knocking her out. Alice sits by the lakeside, hoping that it is all over, but Mrs. Voorhees rushes out of the darkness at her with the machete. Narrowly avoiding the machete, Alice knocks it out of her hands with a paddle and the two wrestle by the lake. Besting her attacker, Alice grabs the machete and decapitates Mrs. Voorhees in one stroke. In shock, Alice gets in a canoe and hand paddles out to the middle of the lake, where she falls asleep.

Morning comes, and Alice is still asleep in the canoe. Police arrive and call out to her, and she awakens. As she sits up and contemplates her rescue, the decomposing "corpse" of Pamela's son, Jason, attacks Alice and pulls her, screaming hysterically, out of the canoe. As she is dragged underwater, she awakes in a hospital. When she asks about Jason, the police inform her that they never found any boy inside that lake. Alice then whispers, "Then he's still there.".



  • Makeup artist Tom Savini, famous for working with George A. Romero, did the special effects for this movie and Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter.
  • This franchise started the kill count YouTube channel Dead Meat.
  • The only real thing that was murdered in the Friday the 13th Franchise was the snake.


  1. Barry Jackson: Knife To The Gut (4 MINS)
  2. Claudette Hayes: Stabbed In The Neck (Off-Screen) (5 MINS)
  3. Annie Phillips: Throat Slit (22 MINS)
  4. Ned Rubinstein: Throat Slit (Off-Screen) (40 MINS)
  5. Jack Burrell: Arrow Through Throat (42 MINS)
  6. Marcie Stanler: Axe To The Head (46 MINS)
  7. Steve Christy: Stabbed In Gut (1 HR 4 MINS)
  8. Bill Brown: Arrows Everywhere, Throat Slit (Off-Screen, 1 HR 10 MINS)
  9. Brenda Jones: Unknown (OFF-SCREEN, 1 HR 14 MINS)
  10. Pamela Voorhees (killer): Decapitation. (1 HR 28 MINS)


  1. Enos
  2. Sgt. Jack Tierney
  3. Officer Dorf
  4. Crazy Ralph
  5. Trudy
  6. Sandy
  7. Operator
  8. Doctor
  9. Jason Voorhees
  10. Alice Hardy

External links



Friday The 13th - 1980 trailer

Friday the 13th - Films
Friday the 13th (1980) I Friday the 13th Part 2 I Friday the 13th Part III I Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter I Friday the 13th: A New Beginning I Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives I Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood I Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan I Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday I Jason X I Freddy vs. Jason I Friday the 13th (2009)