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Questions tagged [france]

Location-specific questions about freelance business in France

3 votes
2 answers

Is it SO different to be freelance than to have a classic contract when you are a developper?

I am a web front end developer (5 years exp) / scrum master (1 year exp). I started to consider to move to freelance, but It dependents in some conditions, and I do not know if freelance will answer ...
BestAboutMe's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can a client deduct additional work from my price?

I finished a recent website project which took too much time for a low price. I delivered the project completed (without excluding potential minor bugs). After delivery, they informed me of something ...
AymDev's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What will a foreigner need to legally work as a freelancer (web developer) in France?

What is needed to work legally in France as a freelancer for a foreigner?, I'm specially interested in knowing what is needed when the person is not from the European union, the US, or countries in ...
Miguel Salas's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Being Freelance in France

I want to open a "micro-entreprise", which in France is the only status for freelancers. Until the last year, the "auto-entrepreneur" status was the best one to be freelance but it had been fused with ...
darckcrystale's user avatar