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Vancity Fob

macrumors newbie
Yep, that always happens. I want to get a Black and Slate iPhone 5 32GB new, but my parents (that monitor my purchases and such) won't let me get one because I already have a phone. "It's a collectors item mom, chill out!" Lol. I guess this 4S will do lol.
Lol my purchases are just self-monitored. I'm only (about to be) a HS senior but I have a job and my mom just tells me to monitor my own purchases if it's made with my earnings lol. Sucks to have helicopters, doesn't it? For the iPods, I just didn't want to buy it at that time and I thought I only told the one guy, didn't know that he'd tell his buddies and have them snap up every last one. My fault lol! At least I have this iPad now.


Jun 21, 2015
Canton, Oh
Lol my purchases are just self-monitored. I'm only (about to be) a HS senior but I have a job and my mom just tells me to monitor my own purchases if it's made with my earnings lol. Sucks to have helicopters, doesn't it? For the iPods, I just didn't want to buy it at that time and I thought I only told the one guy, didn't know that he'd tell his buddies and have them snap up every last one. My fault lol! At least I have this iPad now.
My 3Gs still received updates for most things up until early this year on iOS 6.1.6. An iPhone 4S is worlds faster than my 3Gs even on the latest iOS 9, so even though it won't see iOS 10, I'm sure the 4s will still be a usable phone for 4-5 more years. I was planning on upgrading my 3Gs to a 32GB white 4s but ended up getting a good deal for a 64GB iPhone SE from Tmobile. I really wish apple would release a new phone in the design of the 4s and 6s internals. Maybe call it iPhone SJ as a tribute to Steve Jobs as it was the last iPhone he introduced. I still love the 3.5' size as well and would actually prefer it.

Vancity Fob

macrumors newbie
I really wish apple would release a new phone in the design of the 4s and 6s internals. Maybe call it iPhone SJ as a tribute to Steve Jobs as it was the last iPhone he introduced. I still love the 3.5' size as well and would actually prefer it.

Also, the 4S was the first phone introduced by Tim Cook, but it was the last one that Steve Jobs was overseeing engineering, development, and early production. The iPhones that followed were 100% Tim Cook.


macrumors 68000
Oct 12, 2014
Wondering why your iDevice is running slowly, well I believe I have an answer for that. iOS 7 and up uses stylesheets much like CSS files for websites. The processor has to generate the UI from the ground up as soon as you open an app and that also applies to notification center, control center, and spotlight search, but you don't have to worry about those because iOS generates the style for those when your booted into iOS.
iOS 6 and older didn't use stylesheets in that fashion. iOS was image based and made the UI much like layers. The navigation bars, background, buttons, etc, were cropped and put into the appropriate spots via a stylesheet pointing out where they are supposed to be.
On a moderately powered device, having to generate the UI from the ground up takes a HUGE chunk out of performance. It's ridiculous, my iPhone 4S almost five years old on iOS 6 can perform just as well as my new iPhone 6S.

Very interesting! :D

Also, the 4S was the first phone introduced by Tim Cook, but it was the last one that Steve Jobs was overseeing engineering, development, and early production. The iPhones that followed were 100% Tim Cook.

Not really, as its an ongoing process with product development

Apple purportedly develops 3 iPhone generations concurrently with generalized/not set in stone future features (things that "go back in the cupboard for now") in addition to the usual prototype testing that is never made public ... iPhones aren't just developed within one product cycle (no product ever really is); sometimes features you want to iclude arent available because of a chip delay or an unforseen complication, plus there are different teams that work on the consecutive model, they R&D future features, and move forth with supply chain/logistics which can take its fair share of planning (could be for products a year or two or 3 away) and other teams that start conceptualizing even further models down the road

SJ would have known about many things beyond the 4s, in all of Apples product lines, when he stepped down in mid 2011 - he oversaw the teams involved in those processes too
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Aug 19, 2009
I have a question that's somewhat related to iOS6:
s there any hack around the fact that iTunes 10.7 won't sync any device running iOS7 or later?

I believe 10.7 was the best iTunes release ever so that's why I'm keeping it (and my phone on iOS6, of course). But we have a couple other idevices at home running on newer iOS's that cannot sync to my 10.7 iTunes library, or at least not easily (I have to use a newer itunes on another PC connecting to the networked library and it tends to mess things up a bit).

So is there a way to make this iTunes release also sync devices with a newer iOS? Many thanks!


macrumors 65816
Apr 3, 2010
Heart of the midwest
You can always roll back

Actually you can't roll back most of the time with iPhones. The exceptions are older devices that have been exploited or have SHSH's still being signed or just don't need them ala older boot rom 3gs and below.

The iPhone 4 however is fairly easy to downgrade. I did it at least three times with ones i've had or family members complaining about slowness. 7.1.2 to 6.1.3 using iFaith wasn't too bad. There's apparently a way to downgrade a 4S back to iOS 6 too with an OTA blob method, but it's quite a bit harder for now I think. 3GS maxes at iOS 6 and can also be rolled back to 4.1 that's still being signed. iPhone 5 and up though you're out of luck. Especially 5S and up 64 bit touch ID devices.


macrumors demi-god
Apr 15, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Actually you can't roll back most of the time with iPhones. The exceptions are older devices that have been exploited or have SHSH's still being signed or just don't need them ala older boot rom 3gs and below.

The iPhone 4 however is fairly easy to downgrade. I did it at least three times with ones i've had or family members complaining about slowness. 7.1.2 to 6.1.3 using iFaith wasn't too bad. There's apparently a way to downgrade a 4S back to iOS 6 too with an OTA blob method, but it's quite a bit harder for now I think. 3GS maxes at iOS 6 and can also be rolled back to 4.1 that's still being signed. iPhone 5 and up though you're out of luck. Especially 5S and up 64 bit touch ID devices.
Dfu mode?


macrumors 6502
Aug 19, 2010
I know, that's what I'm afraid of. Apple has been good to me and I don't want to see the company crash and burn (even though they have plenty of money lol).

These are some pictures I made from scratch for iPhone 6 and 6S using original iOS 6 resources. Very beautiful!!




How did you make it? Any tool that you use?


macrumors newbie
Jul 17, 2017
iPad 4 (3G+WiFI) 128GB and iPhone 4s 64GB - both running stock versions of iOS 6 and will continue so...haven't updated either to iCloud drive so these two babies can continue rocking their cloud documents

Apple used to be about superior experience while not being always technically ahead of the curve, now it's the other way round and my other Apple devices are soul-less pieces of aluminium
iPad 4 (3G+WiFI) 128GB and iPhone 4s 64GB - both running stock versions of iOS 6 and will continue so...haven't updated either to iCloud drive so these two babies can continue rocking their cloud documents

Apple used to be about superior experience while not being always technically ahead of the curve, now it's the other way round and my other Apple devices are soul-less pieces of aluminium

Ooohh, tell me you still have that 128gb iPad 4 on iOS 6... I'd love to buy that gem...


macrumors regular
Mar 25, 2010
@Emaren - yup, I still have it and use it every day for reading, it's not for sale though sorry!


macrumors newbie
Jul 17, 2017
That's understandable!!

But if that ever changes, I will pay you top dollar for that relic!!
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macrumors newbie
Oct 26, 2017
I have 3 devices that run iOS 6.1:
2- 3gs iPhone's (one is a spare)
and 1 iPod 4 (32gb)
(I also have a an old iPod classic which is even older it was an 80GB, I up'ed the drive to 120gb)


macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2015

All iOS6, 3gs is a little slow for my liking but still a great device. Been sporting my 4s around lately, iOS6 grants this baby some amazing battery life for a 6+year old device.
4s bl.jpg
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macrumors newbie
Jun 8, 2020
Use it everyday!! I use it on my iPad 4 and iPhone 4S. With that said here is an article I wrote a few weeks ago about iOS that points out good key points about why 6 and older were better than the newer ones.

Today while I had some free time in Biology, I decided to look at the iPad Pro as possibly my new iPad. I scrolled and looked at the previews then I got to the part about iOS 9. It says "A better experience with every touch. iOS 9 is the world’s most advanced, intuitive, and secure mobile operating system. From powerful multitasking features to Night Shift and News, iOS 9 is designed to help you get the most out of iPad." I was one inch away from tipping over in my chair laughing. iOS used to be able to hold its ground like Apple said before iOS 7, but now you just can't say that iOS is better than iOS 6 and older. The experience is dead and Apple is struggling like crazy trying to optimize it to run better.
Ever since Scott Forstall was fired from supposed "complications" working with him, which I believe was him not wanting to get rid of the graphical design he made for OS X and iOS with Steve Jobs in exchange for a flat design. Everyone else says it was from him not apologizing for Apple maps which I can't confirm because I've never talked to him and I live on the other side of the country. I've heard many things about why he was fired so I really can't say too much. Anyway, Jonathan Ive has taken over software design and now manages both Industrial and Graphical design. With Ive now in charge, we were given iOS 7 with a new design and an over simplified UI. Now every app you open, you are blinded with a white UI that looks like it's fresh out of the 80s with app icons that barely match the content of the app at all. Ive said he wanted to contain consistency and that skeuomorphic real looking textures were no longer necessary as for he said everyone knows how to use their iDevice now. What he didn't realize is that skeuomorphism contains consistency but allows for different user interfaces to tie together at the same time by using the same style of design. He also didn't realize that pretty much everyone liked the old design and didn't care about a change to a flat design. Most people that I talked to after iOS 7 came out said that they wish they could go back because they absolutely hated it. I went back and I didn't regret it at all. I still use iOS 6 every day on my main iPad and my old iPhone 4S.
Have you ever wondered why the nice finger tips quick start guide is no longer included with iDevices, and all you get is a piece of paper telling you what the buttons do? Its because there is absolutely nothing to show off in iOS. It's almost embarrassing how crummy the UI looks. They can't really show how an app looks and functions because THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wondering why your iDevice is running slowly, well I believe I have an answer for that. iOS 7 and up uses stylesheets much like CSS files for websites. The processor has to generate the UI from the ground up as soon as you open an app and that also applies to notification center, control center, and spotlight search, but you don't have to worry about those because iOS generates the style for those when your booted into iOS.
iOS 6 and older didn't use stylesheets in that fashion. iOS was image based and made the UI much like layers. The navigation bars, background, buttons, etc, were cropped and put into the appropriate spots via a stylesheet pointing out where they are supposed to be.
On a moderately powered device, having to generate the UI from the ground up takes a HUGE chunk out of performance. It's ridiculous, my iPhone 4S almost five years old on iOS 6 can perform just as well as my new iPhone 6S.
So what can be concluded here? Well iOS has become a lifeless, unprofessional looking, goofy, displeasing, buggy, laggy, and clunky operating system with too much blinding white UIs and pointless and obtrusive Gaussian blurs that only bog down your device. Jony Ive just doesn't understand that you can't just load down the processor and expect good performance, even on a more powerful device. He makes great device designs (except for the iPhone 6), but he can't do graphical design all to well... or at least efficiently.

Seriously though...
View attachment 629297

Hmm... What a shame...
You get it. Even in 2023 this rings true.
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macrumors newbie
Nov 11, 2023

All iOS6, 3gs is a little slow for my liking but still a great device. Been sporting my 4s around lately, iOS6 grants this baby some amazing battery life for a 6+year old device. View attachment 729740

if i was able today to use back xmpp or linphone/sip clients, i think i would use it rather than coming back to old blackberry..
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