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macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
my game plan worked,
i an now watching a game uninterrupted (70 min)on a
mac mini 2012 i5 EARLY Intel processor firefox legacy.
HDMI connected to a BenQ 2K monitor with laser sighting!

yesterday my mac mini m1 montery safari kept stopping the fed,
then wen to screen saver several times.
(which was set to stun...ummm "never power off" and "always run, please Tim!")

hooray for old Intels!
viva la infidels Intels!
and a roar for Mountain Lion as well!
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 28, 2021
West Devon, UK
Late 2009 Mac Mini: had it patched to Catalina, and it even ran Maps ok. Not quite sure how, but hey ho...Then decided to see how that would run MX Linux, which was well apart from an absolute refusal to run the wifi once installed. Back to El Capitan.
Could not get it to talk to any version of OCLP, so again patched to Catalina and then OCLP 1.5 to Sonoma 14.5. Seems OK, but more tweaking to do later.
Still wavering over which desktop machine to sell, this or the iMac. But one has to go...


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Got rid of a bunch of old apps (many of them still PowerPC), some of which have been sitting on my drive since 2005.

Installed Menuwhere, the successor to Deja Menu. Deja Menu was an old app I used to use around 2007-2008 or so that lets you right click on anything and bring up the menubar (in a dialogue box list) wherever it is you click.

Like this…

Screen Shot 2024-07-07 at 16.07.38.jpg

I've always found it useful, but have not been using it for years because I forgot the name of the app. :rolleyes:


macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
Got rid of a bunch of old apps (many of them still PowerPC), some of which have been sitting on my drive since 2005.

Installed Menuwhere, the successor to Deja Menu. Deja Menu was an old app I used to use around 2007-2008 or so that lets you right click on anything and bring up the menubar (in a dialogue box list) wherever it is you click.

Like this…

I've always found it useful, but have not been using it for years because I forgot the name of the app. :rolleyes:
i regret tossing gold or old app from decades ago.
my thinking was i wont use them since  and M1 rules!
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
i regret tossing gold or old app from decades ago.
my thinking was i wont use them since  and M1 rules!
I have my last backup from my Quad G5 in 2020 and my last backup from my MacPro before I installed Monterey. Additionally, since most of my Macs were simply forks of my primary desktop or laptop, some version of that same software resides on several different Macs. Then there is my 17" PowerBook G4 which still has everything I just wiped off the MP.

I have, in my Dropbox Public folder, much of the important stuff as well. Because I've linked to it in other posts here on MR over time. So that stuff stays there. In there, is an old browser package with browsers back to 2001.

And last, but not least, I'm a packrat. So everything downloaded gets saved somewhere, unless it's so unimportant to me that it just isn't worth keeping.

Don't worry - I have copies. ;)
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macrumors 68030
Mar 27, 2017
London, UK
Today, I've been making good usage of my 11" 2010 C2D MBA w/ Catalina. In the morning I had a video call via Microsoft Teams -and despite the irritating banner that warns me the program is deprecated and no longer usable, it continues to work.


During the afternoon, whilst waiting to be seen for a physical appointment, I took the MBA along and made some notes in MS Word from a book that I've been working through for my Sisyphean task of creating infinite footnotes and citations. Staying within the Microsoft camp - I checked my academic emails courtesy of Outlook, which I'm mandated by my faculty to use.


I much prefer Mail but ah well - the sooner I complete my research, the sooner I can abandon the software and return to my favoured email client. That's certainly an incentive to stimulate maximum productivity - and on that note, I concluded my session on the MBA this evening by reading a feature on efficient productivity methods in Firefox.


Now I can unwind with a clear conscience. :D

(Oh and confidential info was redacted by importing the screenshots into GIMP and selecting a Blur filter.)


macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
Today, I've been making good usage of my 11" 2010 C2D MBA w/ Catalina. In the morning I had a video call via Microsoft Teams -and despite the irritating banner that warns me the program is deprecated and no longer usable, it continues to work.

Those Macbook air 2010 are great!
ummm does C2D stand for core dual?
i had an i3 Intel in mine, a dual core.

i will try to check that "eat the frog" site,
though the title seems quite painful for those important amphibians.

enjoy the MBA!
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macrumors 68030
Mar 27, 2017
London, UK
Those Macbook air 2010 are great!

Agreed! :D

ummm does C2D stand for core dual?
i had an i3 Intel in mine, a dual core.

C2D stands for Core 2 Duo.

I also have an i5 that's being neglected but that will soon change...

i will try to check that "eat the frog" site,
though the title seems quite painful for those important amphibians.

Its been helpful to me and I hope that you also gain benefit from it.

enjoy the MBA!

Thanks, it's a neat little machine that has proven to be a godsend. I'm particularly proud of pushing the 2011 MBA way beyond its design spec and achieving 4K/UHD video playback. The power of Thunderbolt! :)


macrumors 6502a
Oct 28, 2021
West Devon, UK
Well well well...
Had another go at putting high Sierra back on the early 2011 MBP 15". Seized up at the account setup page, as usual. Long press on power button and reboot into CLI mode. Try @AppleMacFinder kext relocation commands - "Operation Not Permitted".
Type reboot and decide what to do next.
Gasp in surprise as the HS desktop appears!
Will maybe try and take it to Sonoma, but at least I've a fighting chance of running macOS on it again.
This might also work on the laye 2011 with a bit of prodding!


macrumors 6502a
Oct 28, 2021
West Devon, UK
Early 2011 MBP still in the process of installing Sonoma. In a complete 'what the hell' moment, I stuck a patched Catalina installer into the late 2011 MBP and it installed without a hitch! Gone from two working Macs that actually run macOS, to five!
Happy days!


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
This happened today…

2024-07-10 17.14.39.jpg

SRP (Salt River Project) canal aqueduct, power pole and power equipment. It's on a major corner near my house and someone plowed into it. 628 people instantly without power (including us). Intel Macs, M2 Mac, PowerPC Mac, all down. Happened around 12:13pm in the middle of my workday. Took SRP about an hour to restore power.

So what did I do with an Intel Mac today (when power came back)? Spent several minutes trying to get my MacPro to stop mirroring my displays and a few more trying to figure out why one of my Cinema Displays wouldn't come on (a restart solved it fortunately).

Of course the Snow Leopard Mac Mini came right back up without any issues, LOL!

But the power cut took out my 24-port switch. Right now, I'm using an old 18-port Fast Ethernet switch and I've got about a 10th of the speed I'm used to. However, should be rectified soon. Amazon to the rescue and a new switch is coming tonight.

Must say it's surprising that in the six years we've lived here, this is the first time that installation has been hit. No idea about before we moved here.
This happened today…

View attachment 2396077

SRP (Salt River Project) canal aqueduct, power pole and power equipment. It's on a major corner near my house and someone plowed into it. 628 people instantly without power (including us). Intel Macs, M2 Mac, PowerPC Mac, all down. Happened around 12:13pm in the middle of my workday. Took SRP about an hour to restore power.

So what did I do with an Intel Mac today (when power came back)? Spent several minutes trying to get my MacPro to stop mirroring my displays and a few more trying to figure out why one of my Cinema Displays wouldn't come on (a restart solved it fortunately).

Of course the Snow Leopard Mac Mini came right back up without any issues, LOL!

But the power cut took out my 24-port switch. Right now, I'm using an old 18-port Fast Ethernet switch and I've got about a 10th of the speed I'm used to. However, should be rectified soon. Amazon to the rescue and a new switch is coming tonight.

Must say it's surprising that in the six years we've lived here, this is the first time that installation has been hit. No idea about before we moved here.

My urbanist mind boggles at the quantity of land-use and built form design flaws, coupled with under-considered design measures not implemented with the design of this entire intersection/scene.

Most notably, if infrastructure inaccessible to the public, but abutting the public realm, especially adjacent to arterials, is prone to being damaged like this, then at the very minimum the use of bollards or an impact-protective “clamshell” around lowest third of wood hydro poles situated so close to active traffic (or, use of galvanized metal or reinforced-concrete hydro poles in lieu of wood) can absorb impacts and limit catastrophic failure.

Also, that a key water aqueduct conduit is right there, mere steps from high-speed arterials (where an impact, just metres from the one taking out the hydro pole, could have spilled hundred, even thousands of cubic metres of precious water into the summertime desertscape), and protected by chicken wire fencing only (and not, say, pre-formed concrete slabs made into a fenced barrier), is incomprehensible to my planning brain.

I’m glad no Macs were harmed and I hope none of the other 627 customers at their homes was plunged into many hours of punishing heat.


macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
Too bad they don't protected these power poles more with a fence or barrier since people need electricity to survive.

We always lose power for a second which is enough to shut off the internet router
during heavy rain storms in So Florida. The early intel mac mini and macbook pro always survives these episodes
but i lucky remove usl b while last year a driver drove through a canal and knocked out a power-line pole.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
My urbanist mind boggles at the quantity of land-use and built form design flaws, coupled with under-considered design measures not implemented with the design of this entire intersection/scene.

Most notably, if infrastructure inaccessible to the public, but abutting the public realm, especially adjacent to arterials, is prone to being damaged like this, then at the very minimum the use of bollards or an impact-protective “clamshell” around lowest third of wood hydro poles situated so close to active traffic (or, use of galvanized metal or reinforced-concrete hydro poles in lieu of wood) can absorb impacts and limit catastrophic failure.

Also, that a key water aqueduct conduit is right there, mere steps from high-speed arterials (where an impact, just metres from the one taking out the hydro pole, could have spilled hundred, even thousands of cubic metres of precious water into the summertime desertscape), and protected by chicken wire fencing only (and not, say, pre-formed concrete slabs made into a fenced barrier), is incomprehensible to my planning brain.

I’m glad no Macs were harmed and I hope none of the other 627 customers at their homes was plunged into many hours of punishing heat.
A lot of the cities where I live are interesting places, particularly the West Valley. A lot of this stuff was built long before development showed up and has no correlation to city boundaries that came later. Development happened around it all. This isn't the only corner where SRP has equipment. There are two other places close by and a third farther east by the freeway. Our housing development didn't even exist until 2007.

The kicker is that SRP had recently done work to this equipment. We'll see what they do now I guess.
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macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
why does my Early Intel MacBook Pro MtLIon '12 boot faster than
my latest M1 sillycone Macbook air Mont 13" by 2.1 seconds?

well the screen on the 2012 displays/ shows the desktop before the M1 MBA does.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 28, 2021
West Devon, UK
Further play with the early 2011 MBP: due to the success of getting the late 2011 to work with a @dosdude1 patched Catalina installer, I thought I'd try it on the early in the same way, ie a clean install. Total breeze.
So what I'd say is: if you have one of these with a duff AMD Radeon, then, using a working Mac, make up a patched Catalina installer USB stick and then try that clean install. You never know, it might just get you a working machine!
You may have to boot into CLI Single-user mode and set the gpu power prefs in nvram, but other than that, it seems to just work. It's certainly worth a shot if Catalina is your sweet spot!


macrumors 65816
Aug 2, 2015
Don't know if this exactly counts as an "early" Intel Mac, but I finally broke down and bought a Darth Vader trashcan Mac Pro for the paltry price of $200, built in April 2017 according to the serial number. Spent about an hour installing Sonoma 14.5 and transferring files from my 2012 Mini (same OS). I'm digging it- a lot faster than my Mini, and in great condition with no scratches. I need to rearrange my desk so the Cube and MP can shine together. Specs below (8-core CPU upgrade forthcoming, as they're cheeeeeap).

Next up- a cheap as heck 2017 Macbook 12" Retina. A new battery awaits its arrival, but it's been stuck in Honolulu for 12 days now, with delivery not due until the 22nd...

Screenshot 2024-07-13 at 12.35.10 AM.png


macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
Don't know if this exactly counts as an "early" Intel Mac, but I finally broke down and bought a Darth Vader trashcan Mac Pro for the paltry price of $200,

Next up- a cheap as heck 2017 Macbook 12" Retina. A new battery awaits its arrival, but it's been stuck in Honolulu for 12 days now, with delivery not due until the 22nd.
waiting for a mac or parts being delivery all day is nerve racking,
I cant imagine waiting weeks!

Also im happy I am not the only human buying a refurbished mabook and mini within a week apart, but i feel if they are at a great price, and will be used......why not?

enjoy your Darth Vader mac, SR!


macrumors newbie
Sep 15, 2022
Had a busy 4th of July weekend tinkering with my cMP 5,1. Installed EnableGOP to finally have boot picker with the AMD 5700. Installed noctua fans front and back. Also a usb 3.0 card. Then installed Monterey using the excellent OCLP. The machine was running Windows 10 only previously. Having the boot picker is a game changer. I can now dual boot properly (could be done before too but Windows needed to be installed UEFI).

I know it's been said countless times, but these cMP are just incredible. 14 years later and still going strong. I have MSFS 2020 installed and runs incredible. I tried the simulator on the cMP when it first came out and admittedly it didn't run well, but at the time the simulator was severely CPU limited using only one thread. The developers have made improvements over the years and the simulator now spreads the workload across all cores (I have dual x5677😃).

Next up is upgrading the wifi/bluetooth card to get airdrop working!
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