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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 6, 2020
Hey all, I hope someone can help me out. My wife and I have Apple Music through our cell phone provider, so we have separate accounts. This is fine, except with one specific HomePod mini. Our home is setup under my account, and we have multiple HomePod minis. One of these is setup with my wife as the primary user. Unrecognized requests are supposed to use her account to play music. However, we are finding that when she starts playing music through that HomePod, regardless of how she starts the music (Hey Siri or selecting the HomePod under AirPlay) it uses my account, which stops my music if I’m listening, which I frequently am. This is extremely frustrating, and I can’t find a solution. I’ve checked every setting for the HomePod, I’ve reset the HomePod, I’ve tried adding the HomePod to our home from her phone, but it won’t let her, even though she has permission to add and edit accessories.

Sorry for the lengthy explanation. Does anyone have any insight as to how I can fix this?


Nov 8, 2017
New York
Hey all, I hope someone can help me out. My wife and I have Apple Music through our cell phone provider, so we have separate accounts. This is fine, except with one specific HomePod mini. Our home is setup under my account, and we have multiple HomePod minis. One of these is setup with my wife as the primary user. Unrecognized requests are supposed to use her account to play music. However, we are finding that when she starts playing music through that HomePod, regardless of how she starts the music (Hey Siri or selecting the HomePod under AirPlay) it uses my account, which stops my music if I’m listening, which I frequently am. This is extremely frustrating, and I can’t find a solution. I’ve checked every setting for the HomePod, I’ve reset the HomePod, I’ve tried adding the HomePod to our home from her phone, but it won’t let her, even though she has permission to add and edit accessories.

Sorry for the lengthy explanation. Does anyone have any insight as to how I can fix this?
If you go into the HomePod Mini settings, under primary user, what’s checked there?

Is this HomePod Mini in its own separate “Home?”


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 6, 2020
If you go into the HomePod Mini settings, under primary user, what’s checked there?

Is this HomePod Mini in its own separate “Home?”
She is set as the primary user.

I haven’t set up this HomePod in its own Home yet. I wasn’t sure if it work with our devices like lights if it is in its own home.


Nov 8, 2017
New York
She is set as the primary user.

I haven’t set up this HomePod in its own Home yet. I wasn’t sure if it work with our devices like lights if it is in its own home.
So it’s in your main Home or not affiliated with any Home? I ask because you said she can’t add it to the Home.

Best bet would probably be to add everything under one AppleID Home and set up voice recognition/personal requests. That one HomePod under a different AppleID is causing a disconnect somewhere. Apple Home software isn’t exactly top notch.


macrumors newbie
Nov 18, 2022
I have the same issue and I can’t seem to figure it out. My roommate and I have our own HomePods. His is signed into his Apple ID and mine is signed into mine. They’re both set up in the same home. We have separate Apple Music subscriptions. If I AirPlay music from my account to my HomePod and he AirPlays music from his account to his HomePod, it stops mine and a message pops up saying that I need to upgrade my Apple Music to a family plan. No idea what to do about this.
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