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macrumors 68040
Nov 2, 2008
And now we know why it was on the curb. Who knows, the power supply could be failing. I wouldn’t spend $1 fixing this up. But somebody may pick it up from you for like $20.
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macrumors 65816
Jan 12, 2023
Well i finally did the drive right, plugged it in powered it on to the boot screen. Clicked Mac OS X Installer, it spun for 10 minutes than turned off and won’t turn back on… Piece of junk…..
Maybe like @MBAir2010 suggested, the original owner tossed it not just due to age, but also maybe something faulty in the internals... I pray this isn't the case but it's possible.
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macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
Yea well it was worth a try fixing, even though we didn’t i appreciate everyone’s help! Thanks again everyone!
shame the iMac did not work, or have a port it note stating the problem.
we can toss computers away were we live.

as far as these older Macs:

My Mac mini 2012 won't power on since Saturday and I just accepted something went wrong
and i need to move ahead, My MacBook Pro 2012 is starting to act weird with small things so I might box that
and the macbook air 2010 which can't run High Sierra with a green lines in every online video now
which might get a reinstall of snow leopard
and I will use that with a canon LIDE30 1999 scanner
and scan every cartoon I drew and other pictures lfrom scrap books spanning 40 years.
since there is nothing to do outdoors from May to October in the afternoon where I live.
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