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macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2007
For that kind of $ why not just get a Studio ? I show $2600-ish for M1 Max Studio with 32/4TB. Even the M2 Max Studio at Apple Edu is only $2800.

Because USA. Nvm.


macrumors 6502
Sep 11, 2016
sunny So. Ca.
Officially playing the waiting game now. My late model 2015 iMac quit working last week (power supply or logic board) and it was not worth spending anything on it to repair. I bought a Mac mini M2 PRO With 1T storage along with the Studio Display that I picked up last week. I'm currently using the Studio display with my MBA and I know I could have spent less and bought a different monitor, but I really like this one. I am a hobby photographer (it seems strange to say that after running a wedding photography business for over 30 years, but now retired)

I wavered between the base Studio and the Mini, but I think this will be a great upgrade and I didn't need to spend the extra $$ for the Studio. It just shipped from China and should be here next week!!!


macrumors regular
Apr 3, 2009
Officially playing the waiting game now. My late model 2015 iMac quit working last week (power supply or logic board) and it was not worth spending anything on it to repair. I bought a Mac mini M2 PRO With 1T storage along with the Studio Display that I picked up last week. I'm currently using the Studio display with my MBA and I know I could have spent less and bought a different monitor, but I really like this one.
Similar to me--after becoming addicted to the iMac's 5K screen, nothing else would do. I splurged for the LG 27" Ultrafine along with the m2 Pro Mini. Still wriggly with delight about it.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 7, 2012
Has anybody purchased the Mac mini 16gb/512gb midnight through enterprise channels or a VAR? I ordered mine mid-June and delivery date keeps getting pushed back and I've been told it's a custom build coming from China. But almost a month which is crazy. Just trying to see if anybody else is in the same boat. Thanks


macrumors 65816
Jul 29, 2006
Took advantage of the $150 CAN gift card. Happy with my base M2 but wished I didn't have to upgrade my monitor to 4k. Samsung had their 1080P 27" for $169.999, after a day I exchanged it for the 4k 32" $339.99.

Happy with my set up and back to desktop. I kept pushing for the Air and over the years ended up selling it, most recent was last year's back to school promo as well.
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macrumors member
Oct 1, 2009
Came back to the UK from Taiwan a couple weeks ago and got a refurb M2 Pro for 33000TWD/820GBP/1040USD. Was originally going to get the non pro 8gb/512 version but thought I might as well get the pro since it seemed quite cheap. They seem to sell for more than that used on eBay.

Coming from a clamshell 2020 16/512 MBP, it's so much more stable and much faster. Don't really need the extra power from the pro but still glad I got it even for just the extra ports.

Had the iMac/mba/mbp before and this beats all of them and is also the cheapest. If Apple can keep the minis update going forward then unlikely I'll be getting the others any time soon.

Also, Taiwan/HK prices I think are around 20% cheaper than UK for new, and even more for refurb so get them from there if possible. I put the whole mini box and the postage cardboard box in my suitcase no problem with loads of room to spare.
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George Dawes

Jul 17, 2014
I was going to get a studio , but it's far too big for the space I want and so I ordered a maxxed out m2 pro mini

32 gb Ram , M2 Pro with 12‑core CPU, 19-core GPU, 16‑core Neural Engine , 2tb SSD , 10 Gb Ethernet

That should do , going from a clunky late 2014 mini w/ 2.8 Ghz i5 with a horrible noisy fusion drive should be quite an upgrade !!!?!


macrumors 6502
Oct 19, 2014
Well I thought... I don't do video editing. But even if I did, 16GB get the job done for most people.
So I went on and bought the M2 pro mini. Super satisfied so far.


macrumors newbie
Aug 27, 2021
Found a M1 Mac Mini (8/256) lightly used on ebay for $300. My first mac desktop.
Looking forward to replacing old core 2 duo windows machine (don't use it as much) with this mac mini. I'm not dependent on windows for my usage. And the direction of windows os, not too thrilled about it.
Was planning on replacing my MBA (4/128), but will just will replace it next year.
I do use windows daily for my work.
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macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2006
Just arrived, M2 Pro Mini 12C/19C, 32GB RAM, 2TB SSD. Sold the M1 Mini (8C/8C 16GB 2TB) I was using for 74% of what I paid for it 20 months ago (not bad). Refurb price on the M2 Pro was pretty great, too. Hoping for quicker Plex transcodes and better gaming performance.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2007
Just arrived, M2 Pro Mini 12C/19C, 32GB RAM, 2TB SSD. Sold the M1 Mini (8C/8C 16GB 2TB) I was using for 74% of what I paid for it 20 months ago (not bad). Refurb price on the M2 Pro was pretty great, too. Hoping for quicker Plex transcodes and better gaming performance.
Do you have PlexPass? With that, even a $100 Intel box with basic iGPU screams, and can do 4k, HDR, etc. without any issue.

What issues did the M1 have in Plex?


macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2006
Do you have PlexPass? With that, even a $100 Intel box with basic iGPU screams, and can do 4k, HDR, etc. without any issue.

What issues did the M1 have in Plex?
Yepper, for years now. Sometimes I have local audio/video sync issues, but I don't really expect those to be fixed by the M2 since the thread re: sync issues on the Plex user forum is miles long (also, see signature, most of my gear is <2 years old). Most of the 4K HDR movies I watch are full-quality (large file size, high bitrate), so maybe it'll make a diff there if there has to be any transcoding done, like I mentioned. I do find myself running out of RAM often, though, with no major creative/graphic/AV apps open otherwise, so 32GB will be an upgrade in that area.


macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2007
I offloaded all of the Plex (and all my other containers, and the -arrs) processing to a Synology NAS eons ago. Is there any reason to keep it on an (expensive) Mac?
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macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2006
I offloaded all of the Plex (and all my other containers, and the -arrs) processing to a Synology NAS eons ago. Is there any reason to keep it on an (expensive) Mac?
All my media sits on a Thunderbolt 3 drive (see sig), the Mac just streams it from there. I thought about a Synology (e.g., DS923+) a couple years ago, but with 4 drives x 6TB or more, it made more sense to just use an external drive bay, especially since I don't need any of the extra features. I like to have my -arrs on the Mac, too, personal preference I guess.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2007
You’d want the DS423+ for the iGPU / Plexpass, and 20TB drives solves for “need space”, but I understand. Interesting points!

In Plex Dashboard, when you have multiple people transcoding, do you see (hw) on multiple items, or only max:1? The reason I ask is due to Plex’s notes that Apple limits the HW transcoder to qty:1.
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macrumors newbie
Sep 11, 2023
Hi, first-time new user here. Recently I received an offer to get a used 2018 mac mini (4-core 8th i3, 8GB RAM, 256GB) around 200 bucks. I want to hear about your opinion on whether this is a good deal or not

Intended use case of this mac mini:
  1. Browsing web and watching videos
  2. Programming (java and some small c++ projects)
  3. Docker containers, potentially also k8s. I want to deploy a k8s cluster using the machines in my house and this mac mini will be part of the cluster

I know this Mac does not have a very strong software, but things that most attracts me at this moment is:
  1. RAM can be upgraded to 32G or even higher in a relative low cost, compared with the $200 8G -> 16G upgrade on M1/M2 series
  2. I won't use it for running too heavy projects locally. I have set up another machine that is dedicated for development, which runs Linux. Most of times I expect I ssh into that machine and this mac mini is just a "frontend" to me.
  3. Relatively low cost (I know the ongoing education discount on m2 mac mini but sadly I'm no longer a student)

That being said, as it's 2023 now, I don't know whether 8th i3 is that bad or not. I want to use this mac mini for another 3-4 years and I want it to stand the time of test with a lower budget :)

Please share your opinions, thanks!


macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2007
  1. Relatively low cost (I know the ongoing education discount on m2 mac mini but sadly I'm no longer a student)

I wouldn't do it.

Just order online at Apple Edu and get the $399 Mac Mini, or the $580 16GB Mac Mini M2, with GC applied. Good until 10/2.
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macrumors newbie
Sep 11, 2023
May I ask where the number $580 comes from?

M2 Mac Mini - edu price $499
8G RAM upgrade - $180
= $680

I know Apple will also offer a $100 GC afterwards but we can't just apply it in the previous order, correct? This is their strategy in making us purchase another device, motivated by this $100 GC. That's why they give $100 GC instead of deducting another $100 from the price I think

Not being said I'm not a student anymore

I also want to hear about what is the durability of Mac 2018 mini i3 from user perspective. Thanks


macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2007
Anyone can order from Apple Edu.

The price is $499, 8GB RAM upgrade is $180, total is $680. Apple gives a $100 GC, so you apply that to things you were already buying anyway, and you've saved $100. And yes, that's classic gift cert behavior, agreed.

We're about to lose OS support for older Intel, and even newer Intel is pretty close, so I think putting money into that is a poor decision. Intel is the past, and purchases for Intel should only be for some very special purposes, and realizing it is (more) quickly becoming obsolete.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 24, 2016
SoCal ☀️
🥳 …I debated with many of you about which model / spec I should get…and I bought one at Costco yesterday. I took your advice, and went with a …

Base m2+ AppleCare (no tax 🥳). I can’t wait to test it 🥰. Wanted a base m2 pro (for longevity) just couldn’t afford it right now. Will look at an external 2+ TB SSD for photos.

Any suggestions are always appreciated, as iCloud Photos is pushing 1.3TB (backed up to a spinner atm)


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