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macrumors G4
Mar 20, 2007
The difference between a hardcopy physical game and a ‘digital download’ game is approximately $10, and that’s not factoring tax either on the game for the digital download. Again, why would anybody want to have a gimped experience with the Series S is beyond me. Any veteran gamer, knows that the X outperforms the ‘S’ without comparison, especially with performance when you look at the titles like Microsoft flight simulator as an example that requires the boost that the S apparently can’t handle with crashes and frame rate drops. That’s just one many examples that’s been discussed.

Regardless if somebody wants to build a PC, then that’s their prerogative. But if they’re balancing between the S and the X, if they choose the S, it’s probably because they can’t find an X in stock for MSRP or they don’t care about performance aspects or ‘tech specs’.
Wait you don’t have GamePass?


macrumors Haswell
Original poster
May 3, 2009
Wait you don’t have GamePass?
If you have an Xbox, I'm of the opinion you really need gamepass. Its a game changer (no pun intended).

I'm playing Jedi Fallen Order currently. Did I pay for that? Nope, thanks to the gamepass I'm able to play many EA titles for free.

I've not spent a dime on a game purchase since becoming a subscriber. Yes, I don't have "own" the games I've played but then I've not seen any need too. I've long stopped buying physical media, the last time I bought a disc was was for the PS4. The closest I am to actually buying a game, is Cyberpunk 2077, as its on sale (at least it was the last time I checked).

In the end, I feel like 15 dollars a month to play a game is better then spending 70 dollars for a single game. One size doesn't fit all, and I get that the Game Pass sub isn't for everyone, but its been money well spent for me


macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
As a PS5 owner and a pretty big Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Bethesda fan overall it was disheartening when I heard MS/Xbox bought them.

I don't like exclusives regardless of who is doing it. I gain absolutely nothing from someone else not being able to enjoy a game that I enjoy. It blows my mind how brainwashed some people are though, because there favorite billion dollar company (who doesn't give two ***** about them) screwed over a large group of people with the same hobby......really?

Yeah, I'd be bummed if they made the Dishonored series exclusive.
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macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
I think it’ll be interesting what happens to Sony this generation. The company as a whole was in serious trouble, but they seemed to off replaced the board, sold the computer arm off, closed offices, reduced product lines. They closed international SCE offices and moved it all to the US. All to save the company. But I really don’t think they expected the impact Game Pass has had, it’s knocked them and their business model and makes them seem expensive now. Even against Nintendo.
I think we will be seeing their games on PC day and date eventually, they need the income. But no idea how they will tackle Game Pass, or if they need to because each company offers something different. I don’t think in app purchases on its premium expensive titles like Gran Turismo show them in a good light, people argue the same with Forza or Halo but those games are on Game Pass and the in app purchase cosmetic, or not necessary as you easily get them through gameplay, GT apparently has an aggressive grinding ladder in place.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
I have to say Sonys Game Pass competitor isn't very good. I really don't think placing game demos behind a paywall is what people want now? Plus no big Sony games will be on their service day and date despite it costing more then Game Pass in certain circumstances. But Sony doesn't have the revenue Xbox does so it can't afford to do that.
Will be an interesting generation this one.


macrumors 68000
Apr 24, 2010
Rock Ridge, California
I wonder how much truth this rumor has:

If it had any that doesn't scream Sony is in trouble to me.
Squenix should be so lucky, as they haven't been able to manage anything properly that wasn't a Square created profit. Really? The first 2 Tomb Raiders sales were disappointing? So Squenix thought NFT's might be a better way to go? Somebody else running the show might be much better.
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macrumors newbie
Jun 6, 2022
People argue that in app purchases on its premium expensive titles like Gran Turismo show them in a good light, but those games are on Game Pass and the in app purchases are cosmetic, or not necessary because you can get them easily through gameplay, and GT appears to have an aggressive grinding ladder in place.


macrumors Haswell
Original poster
May 3, 2009
Do we still think Sony is in trouble?
LOL, how times and opinions have changed

Nice in bringing this back, and rereading my old words.

Back in 2022 MS was fresh on the heals of Bethesda's purchase they then looked to scoop up Blizzard/Activision. At the time of writing I think Sony was in danger of getting painted into a corner. They didn't have a viable gamepass alternative, MS was on a spending spree and looked unstoppable - that is until the government stepped in

To be honest with all of the concessions that MS has offered up, I truly wonder what value are they getting (outside of King).

I also think MS has shown a great inability to manage the studios they have and roll out great xBox games. They have no games available for the Xbox X that is buzzworthy - that's why I think for MS, that so much is riding on Starfield.


Oct 21, 2009
Its a long video, with a hefty amount of speculation but I do like these guys.

With MS buying Blizzard and having bought Bethesda, there will be less non-exclusive games being available for the playstation. Sony is quickly being painted into a corner. One possible solution is to permit Microsoft's GamePass to be sold/played on the PS5. I think that will be the case at some point
Sony will still have better exclusives than Xbox. Spider-Man, Horizon, God of War, currently FF 7 Rebirth. Xbox is just getting on par with Sony. Xbox has been horrible with their exclusives lately.


Oct 21, 2009
I also think MS has shown a great inability to manage the studios they have and roll out great xBox games. They have no games available for the Xbox X that is buzzworthy - that's why I think for MS, that so much is riding on Starfield.
I honestly don’t think Starfield will be any good. This is what the current state of gaming has done. I looked forward to so many games, they were crap at launch so I didn’t bother buying them.

I tried Cyberpunk at launch and refunded it. Never tried it again. Many more examples recently.

I love space and sci-if so Starfield really interests me. But I just can’t get excited for it. I’m not even planning to buy it when it releases.

Everyone is in love with Bethesda. I just find their games boring. I played Skyrim for 2 hours and stopped.


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2012
Perth, Western Australia
Its a long video, with a hefty amount of speculation but I do like these guys.

With MS buying Blizzard and having bought Bethesda, there will be less non-exclusive games being available for the playstation. Sony is quickly being painted into a corner. One possible solution is to permit Microsoft's GamePass to be sold/played on the PS5. I think that will be the case at some point
blizzard hasn’t really released anything compelling in 10-15 years.

bethesda hasnt since fallout 4

sky not falling.


macrumors 68020
Oct 19, 2015
Perhaps the next space for competition between the big two is fighting to employ the best game programmers, writers etc. into their own studios. This would be good for the workers as the salaries would balloon. Perhaps they could even work on creating better, original IP.


macrumors 68040
Sep 13, 2014
Philadelphia, PA USA
Off topic a bit...I got this email this morning from Sony Playstation/ PS+. I had NO idea! And the price hike has already taken effect.

I'll tell you what, this obscene price hike on ALL tiers leaves such a bad taste in my mouth! Does it hurt Sony...IDK, many will suck it up, but many will cancel this!

$5, maybe $7 increase...ok, fine I could handle that, But a $20 hike...more on the 2 upper tiers?? Just a price grab/gouge! SMH!

Screen Shot 2023-09-07 at 8.28.46 AM.png


macrumors 6502a
Feb 28, 2020
Off topic a bit...I got this email this morning from Sony Playstation/ PS+. I had NO idea! And the price hike has already taken effect.

I'll tell you what, this obscene price hike on ALL tiers leaves such a bad taste in my mouth! Does it hurt Sony...IDK, many will suck it up, but many will cancel this!

$5, maybe $7 increase...ok, fine I could handle that, But a $20 hike...more on the 2 upper tiers?? Just a price grab/gouge! SMH!

View attachment 2256135
What you didn't read the fine print on this month's PS Plus blog post where they announced this? /s

Curious to see if MS follows suit and up's the price of Xbox Live Gold Game Pass Core too.


macrumors 68020
Oct 19, 2015
Well my Xbox SX1 is finally getting some playtime with Starfields release. I’m a huge Bethesda games fan but I feel very disappointed to have zero graphics settings and only 30 fps which makes me feel like I’m wading through treacle as I walk around. I also immediately miss having adaptive triggers. My PS5 is still my favourite console.

I will journey my way through Starfield and then wait for the expansion. Next comes STALKER then I think I will sell off the Xbox and replace it with the next Nintendo Switch and use my PS5 as my primary. Hopefully, Sony keeps coming with their own exclusives and I will just have to ignore the future Bethesda releases (when the next Eldar Scrolls comes this will be super hard).
Last edited:


macrumors 68020
Oct 19, 2015
I honestly don’t think Starfield will be any good. This is what the current state of gaming has done. I looked forward to so many games, they were crap at launch so I didn’t bother buying them.

I tried Cyberpunk at launch and refunded it. Never tried it again. Many more examples recently.

I love space and sci-if so Starfield really interests me. But I just can’t get excited for it. I’m not even planning to buy it when it releases.

Everyone is in love with Bethesda. I just find their games boring. I played Skyrim for 2 hours and stopped.
Skyrim is an awesome adventure especially now it’s finalised with the bonus of community add-ons.

Cyperpunk had a lot of potential but sadly the world feels very empty. I’m hoping the next update and expansion fixes a lot of what is missing.


macrumors Haswell
Original poster
May 3, 2009
Cyperpunk had a lot of potential but sadly the world feels very empty
I own the game on the PC, and since I upgraded my GPU, I redownloaded it and tried playing it. I know many people love Cyberpunk, its a completely different vibe then the RPGs I typically play. I don't mean that in a good way. Yeah it feel empty, In Skyrim, there's a ton of NPCs that have stories to tell, many of them offer side quests. Their existence provide depth to the world. Cyberpunk they're just visual noise, people cluttering up the scenery

There's other reasons why Cyperpunk didn't grab me, but you touched on a bigger one where world doesn't match Skyrim
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macrumors 6502
Mar 7, 2014
I know after this recent money grab email pointing out a new price hike, I'm probably going to jump ship and just go back to playing my Switch. I've been a follower since the release of PS 1 (yes, that long ago) and I'm just tired of the current model of video gaming to milk every nickel and dime from owners with DLC this, subscriptions that...Nintendo is probably the best so far at being somewhat reasonable. I honestly have no problem going back to playing old games on the original Genesis or Dreamcast, either. Shame on Sony


macrumors 68030
Feb 23, 2016
I know after this recent money grab email pointing out a new price hike, I'm probably going to jump ship and just go back to playing my Switch. I've been a follower since the release of PS 1 (yes, that long ago) and I'm just tired of the current model of video gaming to milk every nickel and dime from owners with DLC this, subscriptions that...Nintendo is probably the best so far at being somewhat reasonable. I honestly have no problem going back to playing old games on the original Genesis or Dreamcast, either. Shame on Sony
That's understandable but it needs to be put in perspective. Game development has exploded in the last two decades. I remember reading how MGS2 for the PS2 had costs well into the 10's of millions and this was back 20 years ago. Game publishers who are now paying hundreds of millions to produce a game need for the game to sell well into the millions just to break even. When it doesn't happen, they have to eat the losses. Just imagine when you spend hundreds of millions of dollars and you have lukewarm sales and you are the platform holder like Sony or Microsoft. Those losses have to be paid elsewhere.

Don't forget that Microsoft has also raised prices for its services and Game Pass is also unsustainable at its current pricing. I haven't paid for Game Pass in several years because I use my Microsoft rewards points to buy Game Pass.

This is just my opinion but Nintendo is probably the worst of the bunch and offers the least value vs Sony and Microsoft. They are selling access to a subscription service that is offering games made 30-35 years ago. Their online service is basic and the games they publish for the Switch are for the most part recycled games from previous hardware generations. For the record I own every console made in the last 25 years starting with the original Playstation and N64.


macrumors 6502
Jul 29, 2023
Boca Raton, Florida
Off topic a bit...I got this email this morning from Sony Playstation/ PS+. I had NO idea! And the price hike has already taken effect.

I'll tell you what, this obscene price hike on ALL tiers leaves such a bad taste in my mouth! Does it hurt Sony...IDK, many will suck it up, but many will cancel this!

$5, maybe $7 increase...ok, fine I could handle that, But a $20 hike...more on the 2 upper tiers?? Just a price grab/gouge! SMH!

View attachment 2256135
I'm not paying $80 per year just to play GTA and Call of Duty since those are the only games I play I might sell my PS5 since I got a series S for $150 and I got the ultimate gamepass for $35 for 12 months. I'll just game share Call of Duty with my cousin


macrumors Haswell
Original poster
May 3, 2009
I'm not paying $80 per year just to play GTA and Call of Duty since those are the only games
Yeah, I get that logic. I'm contemplating whether its worth keeping the sub or not. I'm leaning heavily to not. the thing is, with the middle tier subscription, I get to play so many games that I don't want too. Basically if I play two different games a year under the sub then I'll largely break even, that is the cost of those two games will be the same as the subscription. If I play three different games, then its in my favor, I'm saving money.

On the flip side, if I buy those two games, then I largely can play them as long as I want, where as I'll have to the sub going. I'm not a huge gamer, so I think buying over subscribing seems to lean in my favor.

I got a series S for $150 and I got the ultimate gamepass for $35 for 12 months. I'll just game share Call of Duty with my cousin
That's a great deal, your line of thought makes a lot of sense
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