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macrumors 65816
May 2, 2019
Peoria, IL United States
One of the arguments against caring about macOS security has been that "no one is targeting us, so we don't need to be overly concerned." For those who know even the tiniest bit about computer security, you know that's probably one of the dumber assertions.

Here is one way that you can inadvertently paint a target on your back. You are not targeted because someone is actively targeting you specifically (not initially). You become a target through your own actions. AI-enabled targeting schemes will make attacks like this more common.


macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2009
One of the arguments against caring about macOS security has been that "no one is targeting us, so we don't need to be overly concerned." For those who know even the tiniest bit about computer security, you know that's probably one of the dumber assertions.

Here is one way that you can inadvertently paint a target on your back. You are not targeted because someone is actively targeting you specifically (not initially). You become a target through your own actions. AI-enabled targeting schemes will make attacks like this more common.
That article proves that fully updated, SIP enabled, GateKeeper enabled Macs can be compromised because the weakest link is always the user. ;)

MalwareBytes is terrible at protecting against malware

The fake “Arc Browser” Ads have been reported by Jamf Threat Labs in April
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