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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
I think that should do it now for the ACD.

The guy in the middle is from Philip Jose Farmer's The Dungeon Series, Book I. I just applied some stuff (like masks and stars and such). :D It's an image I've used for a particular thing back in 1992-1993. It's got some meaning (to me).

Now all of it's connected.

Screen Shot 2022-07-01 at 19.53.33.jpg
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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
And that's it…

Screen Shot 2022-07-21 at 07.04.14.jpg

Every display is now set and won't change for a very long time.

For those who don't know, from R to L, Audrey Meadows (I'm a Honeymooners fan), Amanda Blake (from Gunsmoke) and Kate Kennedy who plays Kai-125 in the HALO TV series. The blue woman on the right is 'The Weapon', also known as Cortana 2.0 - still voiced by Jen Taylor.

EDIT: @Amethyst1: So. That took 1 year, 2 months and 25 days. But yes, we're done…with this Mac. :D
Last edited:
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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Thanks, I think that the purple works really well with the black menu bar and the rainbow Apple logo. Just the perfect combination!
Purple and black, along with blue & black, red & black and yellow/gold & black is always cool!

I'm partial to red and blue (a deep almost black type blue) with black, but purple kills it too and this works for your wallpaper.

Again, nice!
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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
OK. So, new monitor means new desktops for the Late '09 Mini.

Left display:

Screen Shot 2022-10-08 at 7.07.41 PM.png

Right display:

Screen Shot 2022-10-08 at 7.08.06 PM.png

And the entire thing…

2022-10-08 19.10.50.jpg

I'll let you figure out who the people are.


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
OK, so version 2. You will note that Ranni the Witch (on the right, from Elden Ring) fits between two of my Finder windows (which I do not show here).

Left display:

Screen Shot 2022-10-11 at 7.38.38 PM.png

Right display:

Screen Shot 2022-10-11 at 7.39.05 PM.png

Both displays:

2022-10-11 19.39.27.jpg


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
That’s just gorgeous. Can I have that wallpaper?
Not exactly sure which one you're asking for so…



Ranni the Witch…


And a flattened jpg of the combined wallpaper…


Note that with my dual wallpaper, Ranni comes somewhat over into Cortana's space. I combined the two in one large PSD to fit two 1920x1080 displays. I usually just then slice it out at size so it's seamless across displays.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the original of Ranni is actually Webp. No idea if you'd like that instead. I made a jpg so it'd show.


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
The one on the left screen, i.e. Cortana. Thanks a bunch! When I first saw it I thought of V.I.K.I. from "I, Robot".

Lots of Cortana out there, LOL - especially fan stuff.

That one (version 1.0) is from Halo 4 - from the neck up. :)

I much prefer the 2.0 version, AKA 'The Weapon' as well as the Cortana from the TV series.

CTN_0453-0_transparent.png HINF_Weapon_Render.png Dr-Halsey-with-Cortana-in-Halo.jpeg

But yeah, 1.0 Cortana was cool - depending on which Halo version you were partial to. :D


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
And that's it…

View attachment 2032650

Every display is now set and won't change for a very long time.

For those who don't know, from R to L, Audrey Meadows (I'm a Honeymooners fan), Amanda Blake (from Gunsmoke) and Kate Kennedy who plays Kai-125 in the HALO TV series. The blue woman on the right is 'The Weapon', also known as Cortana 2.0 - still voiced by Jen Taylor.

EDIT: @Amethyst1: So. That took 1 year, 2 months and 25 days. But yes, we're done…with this Mac. :D

Ummmmmmm…I lied. ;)

Screen Shot 2022-10-12 at 19.09.46.jpg Screen Shot 2022-10-12 at 19.10.06.jpg 2022-10-12 19.10.57.jpg


macrumors 68020
That's cool!

Are you Swedish (or Scandinavian) or just like the band?

I'm sixth gen Swedish-American…we've been here awhile. :D
I just like the band. I'm from central Europe, Vienna, Austria. Actually the city of classical music, which I also like, mostly in the form of soundtracks. I listen to all kinds of music depending on my mood but in terms of live performances I think Metal concerts are the most fun. I've seen Arch Enemy a couple of days ago in Vienna. Great evening which got a wallpaper tribute.

It's awesome that you can track your lineage back that far, I basically know nothing beyond my grandparents.


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
It's awesome that you can track your lineage back that far, I basically know nothing beyond my grandparents.
Well, its primarily what I've been told. My mother at one point was doing some genealogy, but this was the late 80s when there was no internet and no companies advertising software and services on TV. So, I have no idea what she has (or had) and I'm pretty sure most of the details relate to her side of the family.

I know our last name was changed when the family first came over. I know they ended up in South Dakota (my dad was born there). I know an uncle of my dad's worked for the railroad (I have his pocket watch). But beyond my grandfather I really know nothing. Stories of my dad's grandparents were never related to me.

And at this, point, except for the blood running in my veins and the occasional calling it gives me for certain Swedish things, our family has long ago been assimilated. I was born in California, about as far as you can get from the Scandinavian dominated Dakotas and have only a cursory knowledge of Swedish culture.

I did discover Eldrim though, which is a Swedish Viking music group. :)


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Been working on this since Saturday. I decided to just use InDesign.

And I decided to just design it my way for what I wanted. It still means certain things (even if only to me) and those things are related to the L:09 Mini's purpose.

I suppose some may say it's too busy, but it works for the purpose and intent I am using this Mac for.

2022-12-06 20.58.02.jpg 2022-12-06 21.15.29.jpg


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
December lutefisk and lefse, don’tcha know! :D
Uhm, yeah…the food wasn't ever one of those things that called to me, except maybe Lingonberries. :D

When I was young (early to mid-1980s), my parents would take us to Griswolds (a long defunct smorgasbord restaurant) after church. I got double whammied because back then I never ate breakfast and other than juice or some bread nothing there appealed to me. It's only in the last year or so that breakfast food has started to be palatable to me.

Of course my father never went there for lunch or dinner because, you know, meat's way more expensive and he wasn't going to spend for three people and one carnivore (me).

Unfortunately, in my adult years I discovered that IKEA didn't have much to offer me either.

But hey, the coffee has always been good! :D
Uhm, yeah…the food wasn't ever one of those things that called to me, except maybe Lingonberries. :D

When I was young (early to mid-1980s), my parents would take us to Griswolds (a long defunct smorgasbord restaurant) after church. I got double whammied because back then I never ate breakfast and other than juice or some bread nothing there appealed to me. It's only in the last year or so that breakfast food has started to be palatable to me.

Of course my father never went there for lunch or dinner because, you know, meat's way more expensive and he wasn't going to spend for three people and one carnivore (me).

Unfortunately, in my adult years I discovered that IKEA didn't have much to offer me either.

But hey, the coffee has always been good! :D

I was invited once to a lutefisk and lefse dinner in the Twin Cities when I lived there. It was the only time I politely declined such an offer, but even a polite decline was taken as a kind of rebuke against the notion of partaking in the gelatinous-grey blob smelling of dirty gym socks.

I’ll eat smoked, canned herring or even smelt, but I’ll take a hard pass on lutefisk every time. I lack Scandinavian forebears who ate lutefisk in December (as a reminder of how hard the first Norwegian and Swedish settlers had it), so there was no desire for me to indulge in culinary pain for any reason.

That said, before I moved to Minnesota, I referred to the pyrex dish, baked in the oven, as a “casserole”, but ever since, I call it “hot dish”. :)

Lingonberries are delightful, as are bakeapple/cloudberries (which aren’t Scandinavian, but I’m sure the Vikings who made it to Newfoundland enjoyed them). One Scandinavian dish I absolutely love love love comes from, of all places, Thunder Bay, Ontario: the Finnish pancake, served daily at a Finnish community centre diner co-operative (opened in 1919) called The Hoito. Finnish pancakes are much thinner and eggier than what you might be accustomed to. They’re delectable, especially on a frigid morning.

Unfortunately, the Finnish labour hall (a building on the national historic register) which housed The Hoito, was gutted by a major fire a year ago, so the best one can muster for Finnish pancakes these days is at home.
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