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The first post of this thread is a WikiPost and can be edited by anyone with the appropiate permissions. Your edits will be public.


macrumors 68000
May 25, 2010
Ohio, USA
Search for a song in spotlight and click on the album art for a preview of the content. Now, close the spotlight window. The music will continue playing. It's nice when you have a song in your head, and you are too busy to take the time to screw with iTunes.
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macrumors G3
Oct 17, 2014
Colorado, USA
No one has posted in this thread for a while, but here's a little thing from 10.11.4/Safari 9.1. The style of the JavaScript dialog boxes has changed to a more iOS-like appearance, and the dialog box is now contained in the tab it originates instead of a separate always-on-top window which forces the user to respond.
Safari Dialog Box 10.11.4.png
Old separate window:
Safari Dialog Box 10.11.3.png


macrumors 65816
Nov 10, 2008
No one has posted in this thread for a while, but here's a little thing from 10.11.4/Safari 9.1. The style of the JavaScript dialog boxes has changed to a more iOS-like appearance, and the dialog box is now contained in the tab it originates instead of a separate always-on-top window which forces the user to respond.
View attachment 619935
Old separate window:
View attachment 619936

Isn't that just simply because the website you're looking at is using a modal element rather than a default Javascript Alert?
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